Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Yesterday's News

The Register-Star reported on Tuesday that a form of "The Bridge," the alternative learning program for students at Hudson High School and Catskill Central High School, is scheduled to open at 364 Warren Street next month: "Bridge program to open doors in February."


  1. The article, which covers almost 3 full pages in print edition, , mentions Sam Pratt: "He is also a committed activist, having “lost seven years of my life,” he said, to fighting a plan to start a coal-fired cement plant on the waterfront here."
    It omitted the important fact that Sam/Peter/ us, won that fight. Had we not, this would have been a very different story, or no story at all.
    Judy S.

  2. oops, this should have been attached to latest article about Hudson in NYTimes. See above
