Thursday, October 9, 2014

Of Interest

Over the years, we have been persuaded that public education would be better if educators were better compensated. Empire Center reports today that the number of school district employees, outside New York City, who are paid more than $100,000 a year has increased 48 percent in the past five years. In 2008-2009, there were 32,914; in 2013-2014, there are 48,703.  

Empire Center also provides a list of the twenty highest paid school employees in the Capital Region. No one from the Hudson City School District made the list, but the superintendents of the two school districts HCSD is collaborating with on the alternative learning program known as "The Bridge" are: Kathleen Farrell of Catskill Central ($191,250) and Bruce Potter of Berkshire Union Free Schools ($185,786).

Although no one at HCSD is among the twenty highest paid in the Capital Region, there are nine employees at HCSD getting more than $100,000 a year. Here's the list of the top seventeen from SeeThroughNY.

HCSD did much better than the state average when it came to employee salaries. The number of HCSD employees being paid more than $100,000 went from four in 2009 to nine in 2014. That's a 125 percent increase.


1 comment:

  1. Not all of us were ever persuaded that pumping more money into the monopoly public school system would produce better results -- and it hasn't!

    School choice is the only way to improve the public schools. Vouchers, charter schools, whatever -- Eva Moskowitz is proving that there can be better results at lower cost.

    Why should poor kids be condemned to inferior educations? Some might even call it racist given the degree of racial segregation in American public schools.

    -- Jock Spivy
