Friday, June 10, 2016

The Death of a Great Hudson Tree

The majestic American elm tree on Partition Street behind 243 Union Street came down this week. The tree had been dead for more than a year. After surviving the Dutch elm disease epidemic of the mid-20th century, the tree may have succumbed to elm yellows disease, as have many other Hudson elms.

The removal of the tree began on Tuesday. Today, only the trunk remains.



  1. Think of all the places you could see that tree from!

    We see Hudson's elms succumbing one at a time to both diseases. We've seen elm yellows kill trees on Union and Partition Streets. This Herculean specimen may have had elm yellows; it certainly had bark beetle scars from the insect which carries Dutch Elm Disease.

    Within a few years, all of our ash trees will have disappeared too. It's a certainty.

    What we need is a thoughtful tree plan, which we're informed the CAC is working on. It would be nice to get an update on that, and also to know that random residents aren't the only ones keeping tabs on such things.

  2. I have noticed that tree for ages and thought it might pose a danger if left up.... Sorry to see it go. Tad
