Sunday, April 30, 2017

The Great War: April 26, 1917

The Gossips account of the World War I years in Hudson was interrupted in recent days by two things: seven days of 1917 newspapers missing on the Fulton History site, and my need to attend to other matters. Today, we resume, with an item that appeared in the Hudson Evening Register for April 26, 1917, which addresses the problems anticipated by the farmers of Columbia County as the United States entered the war in Europe.

Farmers in Columbia county who anticipate serious trouble in planting or harvesting their crops because of a shortage of help, may not need to worry much. Joseph H. Brown and Walter G. Webster, students of Columbia university, have formed a farm bureau, which, it is expected, will alleviate much of the farmer's burdens.
Mr. Webster was in Hudson to-day and conferred with County Judge McNamee, chairman of the Columbia County Home Defense committee. He said many experienced young men could be placed by the Columbia Farm Bureau upon farms in this county. Any farmer desirous of help should communicate with Judge McNamee or E. L. Harder, of Philmont.
"Columbia university has organized a farm bureau, and we have already placed several men on farms. The food situation is so serious that the university authorities have offered full college credit for men going into this branch of national service on the same basis as those going into the military branches," Mr. Webster stated to-day.
The following call for volunteers is made by the Columbia Farm Bureau:
"The farmer is in desperate need of help--efficient, experienced help. He is doing his best to meet his obligation to the nation, but he must have help. . . ."

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