Saturday, January 6, 2018

No Connecticut Garbage in Upstate New York

On December 16, Gossips reported the news that a plan to transport trash from Connecticut to be incinerated in the cement kiln at the LafargeHolcim plant in Ravena was one of three proposals being considered by the State of Connecticut to address the problem of an aging incinerator in Hartford. On December 26, Dave Fletcher, the plant manager at Ravena, issued a statement asserting that Mustang Renewable Power Ventures, the company that had made the proposal, named the plant as a partner without the consent of LafargeHolcim. Earlier this week, the Times Union published an article that puts all fears to rest, reporting that the State of Connecticut has opted for a different solution: "Connecticut puts final nail in former Lafarge garbage burning plan." 

The other two proposals being considered were rebuilding the incinerator in Hartford or expanding an existing incinerator in Bristol. The Times Union article doesn't indicate which proposal Connecticut decided to go with, but a website called Waste360 reported yesterday that the incinerator in Hartford was to get a $229 million upgrade.

Thanks to Virginia Martin for bringing this to our attention

1 comment:

  1. A point that should be made re this issue-- Cement plants are not engineered to burn tires, garbage, hazardous waste, etc. The industry keeps trying to sell their bullshit line that temperatures of 3,000 F will destroy everything, but mercury, lead, arsenic, volatile organic compounds and other dangerous elements don't burn up. They are emitted into the environment, and there just happens to be an elementary school right across the street from Holcim/LaFarge. There are proper waste incinerators that do a much better job.
