Friday, March 8, 2013

The More Things Change . . .

Gossips has more than once bemoaned the loss of trees in Hudson, so when the following letter to the editor was discovered, quite by accident, in the Hudson Evening Register for September 12, 1892, I had to share it. Although the letter is signed simply "Observer," the editor of the newspaper betrays knowledge of the writer's identity.

A Prominent Citizen and Large Taxpayer Gives Expression on an Absorbing Public Question--Suggestions Worthy of Attention

EDITOR REGISTER:--During a short absence from Hudson, in which the REGISTER was one of the anticipated pleasures of the day, we read of the removal of trees on Union street, between Fourth and Fifth streets. 

The thought of such vandalism was painful, but the highest flight of imagination failed to picture the result of the havoc wrought in a brief space of time.

Truly, the endurance of a community, suffering such wanton destruction of trees (the glory of any town or village enjoying a reputation for beauty), would be a source of admiration, did it not betoken a total lack of appreciation of everything which tends to build up the interests of our city.

No excellency of roadway can compensate for the reduction of what was once a pretty avenue, to the appearance of a street in a mining town.

There certainly should be some repeal of a law which makes a Street Commission to do what it pleases, without conferences with owners, whose property is injured in appearance and in value by the acts of said Commission.

Let all the well-wishers for Hudson's prosperity be on the alert to prevent such an outrage, should any other street in our city be threatened with a like invasion.

The trees in this photograph, which stood along the south side of the 400 block of Union Street, are very likely the trees that were lost in 1892.

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