Dear Diary,
Hudson is a city, but a very small city, and in spite of its urbanness (and urbaneness), there is wildness all around. Sometimes the encroachment of wildness can be quaint and quirky; at other times, not so much.
Walking with my dog, Joey, early Monday morning, I sensed movement behind us. Turning, I saw a deer, just a few yards away, bounding across Allen Street near the courthouse, its hooves beating a delicate tattoo on the pavement. That was quaint and quirky. On Tuesday night, our encounter with wildness was of another sort.
It was 10 p.m., and it was raining. I had just returned from working at the polls for eleven hours, and Joey was desperately in need of a walk. We left the house, crossed the street, and headed for the corner. It was then that we spotted (Joey first, then me) an animal moving on the other side of the street--in front a house a few doors down from ours. It was a skunk!
Joey started toward the skunk, but mercifully he didn't bark. Fearing he might (even from the other side of the street) trigger the skunk's defense mechanism, I pulled Joey close to me, while pleading softly, "Don't bark. Don't bark."
When I saw the skunk heading down between two houses toward a backyard, we continued on our walk, to Second and on toward Partition. It was raining, I didn't have an umbrella, Joey and I were getting soaked to the skin, but I wanted to give the skunk plenty of time to get settled someplace off the street before we returned, so we continued on to Union Street.
Wet and unhappy, we turned back at Union Street and headed home, but when we got to Allen Street, there was the skunk (or was it a second skunk?) snuffling around the gate beside our house. Back we went to Second Street, hoping to give the skunk plenty of time to slip under the gate and disappear.
This time, we went only as far as Partition Street before heading back, but when we approached our house, from the opposite side of the street, I saw the skunk again (or was it a third skunk?) lurking in front of our next door neighbor's house.
Once again we retreated back to Second Street, but this time we went from Second to Partition, headed east on Partition to Cross Alley, and approached our house from the east. Finally, thoroughly wet and miserable, my dog and I were at last able to regain the comfort of home while avoiding a skunk encounter."Micropolitan Diary" is Gossips' homage to and blatant imitation of "Metropolitan Diary" in the New York Times. The term micropolitan was coined (by Gossips) because Hudson is a metropolis in microcosm.