Wednesday, November 7, 2018

The Latest on the Youth Department

Mayor Rick Rector just released the following statement:
After lengthy discussions, our Youth Commissioner Mark Bryant has advised me today that Nick Zachos will remain in the position of Director of the Hudson Youth Department.
It is my understanding that both Mark and Nick have agreed to work closer together in the administration and management of the department and have determined specific areas of needed improvement.
The youth of our community deserve the very best we can provide and I am looking forward to working with both Mark and Nick in realizing this.
While the past several days have been difficult in so many ways, it is my goal that all parties learn from this and focus on improvements that will continue the mission of providing the very best for the youth of Hudson.


  1. And so effortless that we should go through the same process for every decision!

    1. Who knew it was so easy to sway our betters' way of thinking?

  2. To late Rick the damage is done and you have lost the caring citizens of Hudson.

  3. This is great. But I think we deserve a statement from the Mayor about what HE has learned from this experience.

  4. What else might we deserve to accompany such a statement? Straightforward explanations from the Youth Commissioner, Nick Zachos and the Mayor as to the circumstances which gave rise to the Mayor's original decision. I would also think we deserve the apprehension and legal discipline of the person who physically assaulted Mayor Rector with a bag of feces.

    I think it is all to the Mayor's credit to have the grace and bravery to consider the voice of the citizens of Hudson, and reverse himself on what may have been an overly hasty or poorly considered decision. I wish other of our elected officials might have the character to do the same.

  5. As of now, Nick is UNTOUCHABLE and Rick is powerless.

  6. The mayor doesn't know the simple rule in politics..See, Think , PLan , Do.

  7. Great news for the kids of Hudson.
