Update on the Snow
If you woke up this morning to find the snow situation not much altered from what it was last night, here's the latest word on the subject from City Hall.
The snow removal continues!
Thanks to everyone for your patience and understanding as we tackle cleaning up the extremely large amount of snow. We were not able to make as much progress as hoped last night due to the heavy weight of the snow. The removal procedure will continue for the rest of the week.
Again, please continue to pay close attention to signage regarding NO PARKING throughout the day and evening.
Regular opposite/alternate side parking regulations remain in place UNLESS there is a sign saying NO PARKING. If this is the case, please park on the other side regardless of the opposite/alternate parking rules. The NO PARKING signs are your guide.
Please avoid any penalties (fines, towing, etc.) by adhering to the NO PARKING signs.
Additionally, please follow established guidelines for clearing sidewalks. Snow should be shoveled to the curb. The regulations regarding shoveling can be found at the City of Hudson website.
Continue to check the City of Hudson website for updates and additional information.
Lastly, please tell your neighbors, be safe, and know we are doing all we can to clear up the snow as quickly as possible.
Update on the Update: The giant snow thrower and the dump trucks just passed Gossips Central here on Allen Street.
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