Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Once More for the Kaz Site

Discussion of the Kaz site, a.k.a. the Montgomery Street property, was the first order of business at the meeting of the Hudson Development Corporation (HDC) board on Tuesday, December 22. A description of the property for prospective buyers had been sent to the members of the board prior to the meeting, and it was posted on the HDC website after the meeting. That document can be found here. Of interest are the Development Goals outlined therein:
HDC invites Respondents to submit Proposals that maximize the benefits to the New York State, the Capital Region and City of Hudson economies through redevelopment of the Site. HDC is seeking Proposals that are responsive to, but are not limited to, the following development priorities: 
1. Maximizing economic impact through workforce development and job creation; 
2. Providing opportunities for community use and/or recreation; 
3. Visibly and strategically linking the site into the existing fabric of the city; 
4. Creating a transportation oriented development project that reduces car dependency, facilitates ADA access and encourages pedestrian traffic and/or train ridership; 
5. First-rate design and aesthetic quality in harmony of surrounding buildings & community; 
6. Incorporating sustainable building practices and employing LEED, Passive House, Zero Net Energy or Energy Star features. 
Proposals should ideally include a mix uses and transit-oriented design principles to encourage commuter and tourist traffic via Amtrak as well as parking (covered or uncovered) to accommodate additional business, residential and recreational activity.

In the discussion of the property, HDC board member Steve Dunn asked about an access road to Front Street, which would be an extension of Montgomery Street, more or less as shown in this 1873 Beers Atlas map of the area.

It was suggested that this street extension might be part of the DRI-funded connectivity project for the BRIDGE District, but Council president Tom DePietro, who is an ex officio member of the board, said, "If you followed the Arterial presentation, they have a very limited purview, and this is not part of it." Bob Rasner, president of the HDC Board, told the board they would be looking at traffic flow through the area after the first of the year.

Rasner also said there had been two unsolicited expressions of interest in the property, although he did not reveal from whom whose expressions had come.

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