Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A Public Workshop for the Comprehensive Plan

The following announcement has been posted on the City of Hudson website:
The City of Hudson is hosting a Community Visioning Workshop to inform the City's new Comprehensive Plan on Monday, June 3, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
All residents are invited to attend; drop in any time between 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the newly opened Spark of Hudson building located at 502 Union St. The visioning session will be an opportunity to:
    • Learn about the comprehensive planning process and how the new plan can build on current initiatives in Hudson.
    • Hear the findings from the existing conditions analysis
    • Let us know what topics and issues the comprehensive plan and future engagements should prioritize
The event will include activities for kids and light refreshments. Advanced registration is not required.
To learn more about the comprehensive planning process and to take the community preference survey, please visit the project webpage by clicking here. If you have any questions, please email


  1. The problem is that City Hall only ever has a plan on paper, not a tangible plan that everyone at City Hall is on board with and implementing on a daily basis. Mayor's come and go, council members come and go, commissioners and department heads come and go. And that is why City Hall will have to hire another consultant in ten years to create an updated comprehensive plan on paper, feeling like they have once again accomplished something substantial when in fact it's just more of the same words on paper and nothing more.

  2. Why is this taking place at Spark? Do we have to include them in the comprehensive plan? Is the Spark of Hudson the future of Hudson?

  3. Why does this seem so much like the meetings they held when the DRI money was awarded? Lots of talk and little to no action. And they wonder why no one shows up to these meetings.

  4. When the Hudson LWRP was in the formative stages in 2010-2011, a series of six public forums were held at #330 Warren St. The sessions were packed, and local residents participated with great enthusiasm. Sadly, our Planning Board ignored all that input and decided it would be a good idea to permit a gravel dump and truck route, in direct contradiction to the wishes of their constituents.

  5. Good thing the kids are invited because they will be the only ones alive when any of this gets done.
