Tuesday, July 23, 2024

All Politics Is Local

Late yesterday, the Associated Press reported that Vice President Kamala Harris had secured the support of more than the 1,976 delegates needed to secure the nomination in the first round of voting at the Democratic National Convention. One of those delegates is Sam Hodge, chair of the Columbia County Democrats, who released this statement yesterday, shortly after noon.
I'm a delegate, and I'm supporting Kamala Harris.
Joe Biden has been the most consequential, effective, and transformative President in my lifetime. Not since Lyndon Johnson has a president achieved so much in such a short time. President Biden has served our country with dignity for over fifty years, and as our president, he's been a steady hand in turbulent times.
President Biden offered a progressive, optimistic vision for America's future and has delivered real results for our families: the largest investment in infrastructure in American history, the largest investment in combating climate change in history, expanded loan forgiveness programs, lowered prescription drug costs, repaired and created new alliances abroad, and has been the most pro-labor President in history, and much, much more.
Simply put, I want to thank President Biden for his lifetime of work as a public servant.
With President Biden's decision to pass the torch to a new generation of leaders, Vice President Kamala Harris is the leader we need. As a delegate at the Democratic National Convention, I intend to cast my vote for Kamala Harris. During the last campaign, she had this to say:
I prosecuted sex predators. Trump is one. I shut down for-profit scam colleges. He ran one. I held big banks accountable. He's owned by them. I'm not just prepared to take on Trump, I'm prepared to beat him.
Kamala Harris is ready for the fight and is going to win.
Here in New York, we must be laser-focused on our congressional races. Josh Riley is running in one of the country's five most competitive districts. We must do everything we can to elect him and ensure Democratic control of the House so we can continue to deliver results for our families. Josh Riley will win if WE do the work.
The last month has been a whirlwind. I woke up today energized, enthusiastic, and with a renewed belief that we'll win in November.
Let's do it!


  1. I'm glad to see the Democrats energized, because stopping the Trumpoids is critical. But I don't expect very much in the way of substantive change from Kamala Harris. She will be a lot better on the campaign trail than Biden, but I''ll be shocked if she veers away from the pro-corporate, pro-zionist stance that her party has taken in recent decades.

  2. Obviously he didn't write any of it, it's a standard cut and paste regurgitation. I'm certainly not a Trump supporter, but after watching that charade yesterday I won't vote for anyone anyone associated with the Biden administration. It's unbelievable to me that our representatives would actually applauded an arrogant, unrepentant, genocidal war criminal as he stood before our Congress and called US citizens and university administrators terrorists and agents of Iran. What a bunch of pathetic, weak cowards. The majority of representatives, including Harris herself, who could have resisted this farce didn't even show up, as if that was some sort of statement. It's sickening how depraved and low our government has sunk.

  3. Seemingly without self-awareness, Mr. Hodge has discounted the judgement of his own eyes and ears and replaced them with platitudes of party loyalty. This is the ethics failure that has killed more people than anything else in history.

  4. I was just wondering if any of the democrats could come up with a reason to vote for Harris other than "she's not Trump". What exactly has Harris done to warrant such high praise from the democratic delegate. Give me just one, just one. Come on delegate Hodge, she surely must have done something??
