Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Progress Continues

On June 22, Gossips shared this picture of the progress being made on Hudson Depot Lofts, 76 North Seventh Street. 

Photo: Win Jackson

Today, a little more than two weeks later, errands took me to that part of the city, and I took this picture.

Two more floors to go.

One good thing about this building: it's going to be dog friendly.


  1. 100 cars, nowhere to park. This will just continue to make Hudson a less friendly and livable city. Heard of "road rage"? There will be parking rage for tenants and nearby residents and it will get ugly.
    I sure hope Galvan finds the money for the second building across the street in that freshly "distressed area" where three attractive and perfectly good houses stood until recently.

  2. Lets complain about everything in Hudson! More affordable housing was needed for years. Now we get it and the complaints about parking begin. If there were plenty of parking then something else would be the issue. Being negative seems so much easier than looking at the good side. Every is certainly welcome to their opinion, but can we level out the positive and negative a little?

    1. Mr. Principal: Do you live within a block or two of 7th & State? If you own a car, how close to your house is it usually parked every night before you go to bed? Do you park your car every night on the correct side of the street anywhere near 7th & State? Have you heard the building being erected from your kitchen and backyard for the past 6 weeks? I didn't think so.

    2. Also, Principal, please define "affordable housing" and how it relates to this apartment building.

    3. Dear Principal, Bill is correct.

    4. Everyone would like more affordable housing, lower rent, lower taxes, lower power and internet bills. I don't know a single person anywhere who wouldn't want that, so to use that as a reason or excuse to build the proposed dozen or so apartment buildings with hundreds of new units, demolishing houses, destroying greenspace, plowing down trees, converting parks into blacktop and imposing urban congestion into low traffic residential areas, is a bit disingenuous in my opinion. There must be better, more humane and sustainable methods to achieve the same goals. Rent controls for one would have been a better place to start.

  3. There is always plenty to grumble about, but I'm happy to see all the recent developments in that forlorn part of town. It was ugly.

  4. I was surprised, I haven't seen many large buildings this size framed in wood. I don't particularly like apartment buildings, but if one is needed, this is as good a spot as any. Much better than making one down on Mill Street and paving the field in blacktop.

    1. Watching the building on North Seventh Street grow reveals that the brick is just a veneer.

    2. A 5-story apartment building all wood construction, isn't that odd? I didn't see any metal reinforcement but I might have missed it.... Do we know if there's a sprinkler system, hmmm 🤔

  5. The people that are opposed to 11 Warren Street seem to have wanted something like this developed there. Affordable housing, no such thing in Hudson anymore. Lets be real!!

    1. What we wanted was for the county to stop their land grab in Hudson proper, to create something that would be on the tax rolls, for county citizens not to have to pay the exorbitant amount of money the county spent to purchase (and will spend to renovate,) to find a better parking solution because their plan is complete madness, and to hold them accountable for their backroom dealings and total disregard for a town where they don't even live. THAT'S what we wanted.
