Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The Time Is Approaching

The Planning Board meeting is just hours away, and there is no indication that Theresa Joyner intends to walk back her decision to make the meeting in person only. It is not entirely clear if there will even be minutes for the meeting. 

Meanwhile, another letter about the conditional use permit review of the Colarusso dock operations was submitted to the Planning Board today by Ken Dow. Dow was the city attorney for the City of Hudson in 2017, when work on the bulkhead done by Colarusso triggered the need for them to apply for a conditional use permit. The first paragraphs of Dow's letter are reproduced below. (Click on the image to enlarge.)

The letter concludes with this statement:
Any review or approval pursuant to the Hudson Zoning Code that fails to encompass the full, proper scope of the entire dock operation will be inadequate, arbitrary, affected by an error of law, and subject to nullification. The law requires a comprehensive review.

The entire letter can be found here.


  1. I encourage all members of the public who are able to attend to take video of the meeting so it can be shared YouTube, social media, Gossips… and eventually helpful to any lawyer that will no doubt be litigating this in the future.

  2. The Planning Board should ensure that the meeting venue is adequate for the expected audience. City Hall is often too small, leading to overflow into the lobby or discouraging public participation. If the Board chooses not to provide reasonable accommodations for attendance and also refuses to allow remote participation, they risk violating the intent of New York State’s Open Meetings Law, which emphasizes public accessibility. A better solution would be to hold meetings in a larger venue or offer a hybrid option.

  3. Ms. Joyner...

    1️⃣ Hudson has an open case with the Justice Department about ADA violations...

    2️⃣ You have received requests from residents seeking accommodation for immobility...

    Why restrict public access to a public meeting?

    🟰 This perfectly encapsulates the Reign of Tomal... hold a meeting on the 3 most contentious public land use issues... and then do it offline, in a small space, with no clear exits...

    What can possibly go wrong...
