Friday, September 20, 2024

More Room at the Top?

In August, Gossips published the Hudson City School District organizational charts for 2023 and 2024: "How Much Administration Is Needed?" The point of comparing the two charts was to show the increase in the tier of positions that report directly (and exclusively) to the Superintendent of Schools. A few months earlier, HCSD had hired a new administrator with the title Executive Director of Teaching and Learning. 

Gossips learned about those charts because they were posted on Facebook by someone identified as "Hudson Deserves Better." Today, that same source provided this information:
Please make sure you go to the Board of Education Meeting this Tuesday! Another big hiring in Central Administration over $140,000! How can the board say a year ago we are too small of a district for an Assistant Superintendent and how we have four Central Admins making over $140,000, not including all the consultants! We cannot sustain this as taxpayers! Please come out and get this voted down and support the great Teachers of the district!
The meeting on Tuesday, September 24, takes place at 6:00 p.m. in the senior high school library and will be livestreamed on YouTube.


Everything Must Change

At noon today, Hudson Hall announced it would no longer be producing Winter Walk, the event that has been kicking off the holiday season in Hudson since 1997. The following is the press release that shared the sad news.
For nearly three decades, Hudson Hall at the historic Hudson Opera House, a small nonprofit community arts organization, has produced Winter Walk, a cherished annual tradition in Hudson showcasing the City’s vibrant creative community and unique small businesses, bringing joy and holiday magic to residents and visitors alike. It is with heavy hearts Hudson Hall today announces Winter Walk will not take place in 2024. 
Winter Walk grew from very humble beginnings. One evening in 1997, Carole Clark conceived the idea for Winter Walk in her restaurant (Charleston, now Baba Louie’s). Together with other founding members of the Hudson Opera House Board of Directors including Ellen Thurston and Sarah Lipsky, “A Winter Walk on Warren Street” was born, taking place mainly on the 500 and 600 blocks of Warren Street. 
“We wanted people to become aware of what was happening in Hudson and on Warren Street,” says Lipsky, who volunteered to coordinate Winter Walk from 1997-2000. “There were so many incredible shops and talented people who had opened businesses. People had such a negative view of Hudson, so many people in the County wouldn’t even come into Hudson. We wanted a way to light up the street at night, showcase musicians and performers in a festive way, and for people in the County to see how Hudson was evolving.” 
As Hudson’s business district grew, Winter Walk grew with it, eventually expanding to encompass the entire length of Warren Street. Crowds from across the region came to enjoy an evening of holiday shopping, local performers animating the brightly decorated shops, family-friendly activities and attractions on the street, and to view the grand fireworks display. As the Warren Street business district came back to life, so did Hudson Hall. In 2017, Hudson Hall celebrated the grand re-opening of its magnificent performance hall, returning New York State’s oldest surviving theater to community use for the first time in over 55 years. Today, Hudson Hall offers a dynamic schedule of music, theater, dance, film, visual arts, and literary events, free workshops for youth as well as family programs, and large-scale events such as the Hudson Jazz Festival. 
Over the years, Winter Walk grew in both attendance and scope. But declining support in the post-pandemic landscape coupled with rapidly rising costs created a growing Winter Walk deficit. By 2023, Winter Walk had become too large for Hudson Hall to produce on its own and the financial deficit too deep for Hudson Hall to subsidize. To steward Winter Walk into the future, last year Hudson Hall formed a co-producing partnership with the City of Hudson, the Hudson Business Coalition, the Hudson Development Corporation, the Columbia County Chamber of Commerce, and the Columbia Economic Development Corporation. However, and despite everyone’s best efforts, it became clear Winter Walk requires resources beyond what is available by all involved to carry it forward. 
“Winter Walk is a beloved community event. Following much deliberation with our Board of Directors, Winter Walk partners, and key stakeholders, Hudson Hall has made the difficult decision to step down from producing Winter Walk” says Hudson Hall Executive Director, Tambra Dillon. “We are deeply grateful to the many artists, performers, community groups, business owners, volunteers, and supporters who helped make Winter Walk Hudson’s largest, brightest, and most colorful event of the year, and to the City of Hudson and the Hudson Police, Fire, and Public Works Departments who underpinned its safety and success.” 
"I want to express my deepest gratitude to Hudson Hall for the tireless dedication and passion they’ve poured into organizing Winter Walk over the years. Their commitment has created countless cherished memories for all of us,” said Mayor Kamal Johnson. “I understand how difficult this decision to step down must be, but I hope they know how much their efforts have meant to the community. While it’s bittersweet to see this chapter close, I’m hopeful that a new generation will rise to continue the legacy, ensuring the spirit of Winter Walk lives on for years to come." 
In the spirit of Winter Walk, Hudson Hall will host a free family-friendly holiday event on Saturday, December 7, with musical performances, activities for kids, and an exhibition of student artwork from around the region. Children will be invited to meet with Santa and receive a free gift-wrapped book. Harmony Project Hudson, the Hudson Community Choir, the Hudson City School District Band program and others will give a free holiday concert in Hudson Hall’s performance hall. On Saturday, December 21, Hudson Hall presents Operation Unite NY’s annual Kwanzaa celebration, followed by fireworks to celebrate the Winter Solstice. Warren Street will remain open to traffic for all events. 
Additional “Hudson for the Holidays” events kick off with the lighting of the Hudson Athens Lighthouse (Saturday, November 2), and continue with attractions including Basilica Farm & Flea (November 29 - December 1), Santa’s Village and a tree-lighting at 7th Street Park (Saturday, December 7), and the lighting of the Menorah, also at 7th Street Park (Wednesday, December 25). 

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Gossips on Cidiot

Many readers are fans and followers of Mat Zucker's award-winning podcast about moving to the Hudson Valley, Cidiot.  

Recently, Zucker moved from Red Hook to Hudson (something, coincidentally, Gossips did thirty-one years ago), and soon after, he honored Gossips and acknowledged the role of hyperlocal news in the Hudson Valley by interviewing me for the podcast. That interview, Episode 107: Gossips of Rivertown, dropped this morning and can be heard at I hope you all will listen and enjoy!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

About the "Greenspace" Workshop

Believing what I reported, that the first presentation at the "Greenspace" Workshop at Bliss Towers yesterday was to begin at 4:30 p.m., I showed up at 4:20 p.m., only to discover the presentation was already underway, and I had missed most of it. I learned subsequently that the presentation began with a slide show of parks depicted in fine art (the first example was Claude Monet's The Parc Monceau) and transitioned into images of iconic public squares in European cities. Ultimately, architect Alex Gorlin got to a conceptual rendering of the green space being contemplated for the Hudson Housing Authority project, which, if you look closely, yields some hints about what the complex of buildings being proposed might look like.

Curiously, the buildings in the rendering shown on the screen in the picture above resemble the current Bliss Towers more than they do any other building in Hudson.

There was a fairly good turnout for the first presentation, but only about half the people there were actually to be tenants. The rest were elected officials, HHA commissioners, and interested residents from elsewhere in the city. The participants were given eighteen amenities that might be included in the proposed green space--a potpourri of options that, with a few exceptions, seemed familiar to those who have been through a few park planning exercises in recent years.
  1. Toddler's Playground
  2. Children's Playground
  3. Slide & Playground with Topographic Change
  4. Basketball Courts
  5. Dog Park
  6. Physical Fitness Area
  7. Murals by Local Artists
  8. Reflecting Ponds and Sailboats
  9. Pickleball & Tetherball
  10. Splash Park
  11. Shade Pavilion
  12. Chess & Checkers
  13. Fragrance Garden
  14. Vegetable Garden
  15. Botanical Garden
  16. Sledding
  17. Pedestrian Street
  18. Bicycle Lane
Those attending were given Post-Its and asked to write their preferences. People at the first presentation identified playgrounds for kids, a vegetable garden, a dog park (also described as "for kids," because "kids love dogs"), outdoor fitness equipment, and a shade pavilion or trees as things they would like to see included in the green space.

Regarding the buildings, rather than the heights varying between three and seven stories, all the buildings in Phase 1 and 2 of the project are now to be either four or five stories.

Although the plan for parking on the site is being described as "underground parking," it was explained that it would actually be "drive in," from the rear of the buildings labeled B1 and B2 in the drawing above. The grade level is lower there than at the front of the buildings, on State Street. The plan was originally for two levels of underground parking, but that has now been reduced to one. It seems NYS Homes and Community Renewal had suggested eliminating the underground parking altogether to reduce the cost of the project, but Eu Zambuto of Mountco said yesterday they were "fighting back for underground parking to preserve green space." 

Change on the Street

This morning, the fence around the sidewalk seating area was removed and the awning came down at 342 Warren Street, formerly American Glory and originally the firehouse for H. W. Rogers Hose Co. No. 2.

Gossips has learned that the new restaurant coming soon to the space will be open seven days a week.

Something New at City Hall

In the past, Gossips has complained about the lumpy and uncomfortable benches in City Hall, which managed to survive the recent upgrades to City Hall, made to achieve ADA compliance.

During tonight's Common Council meeting, which Gossips attended virtually, it was discovered that the historic benches, which could have been reupholstered in 2020 
for $3,200, have been replaced by mismatched chairs. What happened to the benches is not known. Maybe they're out being reupholstered, and the chairs are just temporary. We can only hope. 

The picture above is a screen capture from tonight's Legal Committee meeting. The "FREE Bannon" sign is courtesy of Lloyd, the man seated behind the sign, who likes to describe himself as "Your Voice of Reason."

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Happening Today

At the meeting of the Hudson Housing Authority Board of Commissioners yesterday, HHA executive director Jeffrey Dodson confirmed that the previously announced "Redevelopment Open House with Work Session on Green Space"--now being called simply a "'Greenspace' Workshop"--will in fact happen today from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room at Bliss Towers, 41 North Second Street.

Although the event lasts for three hours, attendees aren't expected to be there for three hours. There will be a presentation at 4:30 p.m. and another, presumably repeating the same information, at 6:00 p.m. Eu Zambuto, of Mountco, predicted the event will be "an exciting share." Exciting being the adjective most often used (and overused) by those involved to describe this project.

Dodson reported that, in the value engineering process recommended by the state to bring down the estimated $220 million cost of the project, two modifications have been made: the height of the buildings has been reduced to no more than five stories, to allow them to be framed in wood instead of steel and concrete, thus reducing the cost by an estimated 10 percent; the amount of underground parking has been reduced to one level. Dodson indicated that the modified plans have been submitted to Homes and Community Renewal for further feedback.


Monday, September 16, 2024

HUDseen Now UNseen

If you went looking for Bill Huston's blog HUDseen today, you would have found nothing but this message.

Huston told Gossips that his primary reason for giving up the blog was that he wanted to concentrate on other things. "HUDseen was consuming me. Difficult to just take a walk and not see something that might make a story. Too much out there." 

The Hudson Wail had a different take, which can be seen here


Galvan's Latest Initiative in Hudson

A visit to Galvan's website is always enlightening, if only to appreciate how this not-for-profit is evolving. The website currently describes the mission of the Galvan Initiatives Foundation in this way, which seems to be an exemplar of vagueness.

In the slider that displays the "Current Initiatives," five relate to Hudson. (There are eleven in all.) Accompanying the headline "Community Housing: Partnership with Camphill Hudson," there is a picture of the Fifth Street entrance to 501 Union Street. Accompanying the headline "Historic Preservation: Ongoing Work in Hudson," there are photographs of 26-28 Allen Street, a building Galvan recently sold for $1.1 million. Accompanying the headline, "Hudson Needs: More Housing," there is a photograph of 412 Warren Street, a building Galvan has owned and operated as an apartment building since 2006. Accompanying the headline "Advocating for More Housing: In New York State," there is a photograph of 215 Union Street, the house Galvan built from 2014 to 2017 with a few salvaged remnants from the historic house at 900 Columbia Street they demolished in 2013. Accompanying the headline "New Hudson Area Library Home: And Much More," there are pictures, of course, of the Galvan Armory.

At the Planning Board meeting last Tuesday, a little insight may have been offered into a new focus for Galvan here in Hudson. At that meeting, preliminary plans were presented for the vacant space at 724-726 Columbia Street. The agenda for the meeting mentions Return Brewing and gives the impression that Return Brewing, now located in part of the building, is expanding into the vacant space, but that's not the case. It is Galvan that is making the proposal for developing the space.

What is being proposed is a theater (alternatively called an "assembly hall") and a restaurant. Walter Chatham, who is the architect for the project, explained that the building had a total of 9,000 square feet of vacant space. One third of that would be the theater, expected to have a capacity of from 120 to 150 people; one third would be "back of the house"; and one third would be the lobby and the restaurant, which Chatham referred to as "food service."

It would seem that Galvan is now getting into the entertainment business in Hudson. Galvan owns the former Community Theater, which is supposed to become a regional theater "with flexible performance space and room to fit 400 seated attendees and many more for standing room only events." In July 2023, Galvan purchased the Helsinki Hudson complex, which includes a theater, a restaurant, and an assembly space. What the plans are for that property have never been made public. Now Galvan is proposing another theater/assembly hall/restaurant in a building that is just a block away from the old Community Theater. One wonders how or if this new plan will impact the plans for that space.  

It's interesting to recall the mission of Galvan Initiatives Foundation as it was stated in 2012, the year it was founded. In March of that year, Gossips quoted the mission statement as it appeared on a blog the foundation maintained at the time. This is what it said:
Founded by T. Eric Galloway and Henry Van Ameringen, the Galvan Initiatives Foundation, Inc., started operation in January 2012. The mission is to promote the quality of life in Hudson by conserving and maintaining buildings of architectural, historic, and social significance. The Foundation will also operate a grant-making program and will provide financial support to charitable organizations operating in Hudson.

The Latest Regarding Tonight's ZBA Meeting

The special meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals, to take place today at 6:00 p.m., which was confirmed this morning, was canceled this afternoon.

Gossips has learned that the variances required for Mill Street Lofts will not be on the agenda for the ZBA meeting on Wednesday, September 18.

Intel from the Street

"Signs of the Time," Gossips' post about the signs being proposed for new businesses in Hudson, inspired Mark Allen, creator of Are Hudson NY's Sidewalks Safe for NYC Hipsters? and other films about Hudson, to do some investigating. In particular, the sign shown below rang a bell. The name Savory Bites Deli seemed familiar to Allen, so he did some online sleuthing. 

It turns out there's a Savory Bites Deli in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, at 717 West 181th Street. The name could be just a coincidence. After all, there's an Asian restaurant on Lexington Avenue called LilliandLoo. But there is more evidence than just the name to connect what's planned for the former location of The Cascades with the deli in Washington Heights. Here's a picture of the interior of that deli, found online here.

Here's a picture of the interior at 407 Warren Street, taken by Allen one day last month when the door was standing open.

The similar ceiling light design suggests a connection between the two businesses that goes beyond sharing the same name. 

If this evidence persuades you that what's coming to 407 Warren Street is connected to the deli in upper Manhattan, you can check out Savory Bites Deli on Yelp. You'll find the menus there and maybe some clues to what the future holds for us.

Gratitude to Mark Allen for providing this information.

Meetings of Interest in the Week Ahead

We have reached the midway point in September and are less than a week away from the autumnal equinox. In these glorious last days of summer, here is what's happening.
  • On Monday, September 16, the Zoning Board of Appeals may or may not meet at 6:00 p.m. There are two meetings of the ZBA listed on the city calendar--one for Monday and another for Wednesday, Wednesday being the ZBA's regularly scheduled meeting. Now that the Planning Board has made a negative declaration on the project proposed for Mill Street, the pressure is on for the ZBA to grant the needed variances, so that Kearney Realty & Development can apply for state funding for this project, which they are now bundling together with the building proposed for Fourth and State and calling it "scattered site" housing. If the meeting does take place today, it will be in person only at City Hall.
Update: Lisa Kenneally, who chairs the ZBA, has confirmed that tonight's special meeting is on. It takes place in person only at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall.
Another Update: At 3:22 p.m., Gossips was informed by ZBA chair Lisa Kenneally that tonight's special ZBA meeting HAS BEEN CANCELED.
  • Also on Monday, September 16, the Hudson Housing Authority Board of Commissioners meets at 6:00 p.m. As always, the meeting may yield more information about HHA's redevelopment plans. There is now a Redevelopment Committee, made up of board members Claire Cousin, Rebecca Wolff, and Nick Zachos, working with the developer, Mountco, and HHA executive director Jeffrey Dodson in meetings that take place out of the public eye. At the last meeting of the HHA board, it was announced they were beginning the process of value engineering to bring down the cost of the project, which is now estimated at $220 million. The meeting is a hybrid, taking place in person in the Community Room at Bliss Towers, 41 North Second Street, and on Zoom. Click here to join the meeting remotely. 
  • On Tuesday, September 17, the Hudson Housing Authority was to hold a  "Redevelopment Open House with Work Session on Green Space," from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room at Bliss Towers. That event, however, has not been confirmed, and it is likely it will not happen. Information about it may be forthcoming at Monday's regular meeting of the HHA Board of Commissioners.
  • At 5:15 p.m. on Tuesday, September 17, the Common Council Finance Committee holds its monthly meeting. The meeting is a hybrid, taking place in person at City Hall and on Microsoft Teams. Click here for the link to join the meeting remotely.  
  • At 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 17, the Common Council holds its regular monthly meeting. It is expected the Council will vote on adopting the Good Cause Eviction Law at this meeting. Although the Council has yet to discuss and agree on--at least not in public--the definitions of the small landlord and a luxury apartment (both of which are exempt), the law as it is being proposed defines small landlord to mean "a landlord of no more than one unit anywhere in the State of New York" and luxury apartment as one that has "a monthly rate above three hundred forty-five percent of fair market rent as published by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development." The meeting is a hybrid, taking place in person at City Hall and on Microsoft Teams. Click here for the link to join the meeting remotely.
  • On Wednesday, September 18, the Zoning Board of Appeals meets at 6:00 p.m., unless of course they hold a special meeting on Monday, September 16.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Addendum to "Signs of the Time"

It seems the implementation of a plan to affix signs and logos to 251 Allen Street, now being operated as a B & B called "The Hudson Navigator," has already begun. Gossips took this picture of the house this morning.

Obviously this ornamentation is meant to be complemented by the internally illuminated sign proposed for the side of the building facing South Third Street.


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Signs of the Time

The Historic Preservation Commission regularly approves signs for businesses on Warren Street and elsewhere in the city's locally designated historic districts. Usually the process is pretty perfunctory. Not so this past Friday morning, when some very out-of-character and, in Gossips' opinion, garish and inappropriate signs were proposed.

The first was an internally illuminated 7 x 7 foot sign to be affixed to the side of this house at the corner of Third and Allen streets.

The house has been operated successfully as a B & B by different owners since 2002, and no previous owner has found it necessary to introduce this kind of garishly commercial signage into a residential neighborhood.  

HPC member Miranda Barry objected to the internal illumination, and the HPC encouraged the applicant to rethink the illumination and submit an amended application. It is Gossips' opinion that affixing signage of any kind, illuminated or not, to the side of a house on a residential block is incompatible with the historic character of the neighborhood and should be prohibited.

Another proposed sign that was something of a shocker was this one for 407 Warren Street, the former location of The Cascades. It is plastic and internally illuminated. 

Barry observed that the sign was out of place on the facade of a historic building, commenting, "It really clashes with the historic architecture." Phil Forman, who chairs the HPC, told the applicant, "The font you chose is kind of aggressively modern and commercial," and asked, "Is there a tasteful way to pull back from the starkness and commercial quality?" HPC member Hugh Biber urged the applicant to look at other signage on Warren Street and to design a sign that would "become more part of that graphic landscape."

The mural being painted on 260 Warren Street was also a topic of discussion. The botanical flourishes that have already been painted on the historic building inspired a Gossips post back in July: "Adding Insult to Injury." But it seems they were just the beginning of what is to become a larger "mural," one that extends to the side of the building as well.

Code enforcement officer Craig Haigh issued a stop work order on the painting because, as he explained it to the HPC on Friday, the design included cannabis leaves, and cannabis leaves, representing the product for sale in the establishment, made the decoration a sign. Signs in historic districts require a certificate of appropriateness from the HPC. Because the city's preservation ordinance gives the HPC no jurisdiction over what can be painted on surfaces that have already been painted, the remedy to the situation was simple. The artist agreed to remove or eliminate anything that resembled a cannabis leaf from the design. Problem solved.

When recognized for a comment, steadfast HPC observer and critic Matt McGhee pointed out that a mural, by the very origin of its name, is something that is painted on a wall. This painting was being done on doors, glass panes in the doors, framing, and marble support columns. He called it "damaging to the historic nature of the building and our city."

It's interesting to review how we got to this place with 260 Warren Street. The building was owned by the Galvan Foundation (or one or another previous iteration of Eric Galloway's involvement in Hudson) from the early 2000s until October 2021. In that time, various plans for its restoration came before the HPC. Each time, a certificate of appropriateness was granted and allowed to expire without the restoration being pursued. Finally, in early 2019, a plan for the building's restoration, informed by a photograph found by Gossips in the Evelyn & Robert Monthie Slide Collection at the Columbia County Historical Society, was approved by the HPC, and the work was actually carried out.

Photo courtesy CCHS, Evelyn & Robert Monthie Slide Collection
The plans presented to the HPC in 2019 included the proposal that the marble plinths, lintels, and sills, original to the building, would be "cleaned, protected, and sealed." Kate Johns, who at the time was the preservation architect member of the HPC, specifically requested that the marble not be sealed because of the damaging effect such action can have on marble. Nevertheless, some white substance was applied to the marble plinths and lintels.

When the "white coating" came to the attention of the HPC, Forman, who then as now chaired the HPC, reported that he had consulted with then city attorney Andy Howard (who is now once again city attorney) and with Craig Haigh. It was the opinion of both that, "despite back and forth [discussion recorded] in the minutes and what most believe to be best practice," there was no legal recourse to force the undoing of the action because the agreement not to seal the marble "never made it into the certificate of appropriateness." The only way for the "white gunk" to be removed and the marble restored to its original state would be if the owner--Galvan--did it voluntarily. Of course, that never happened. 

Instead the white gunk that was supposedly a sealant has served as justification for more paint to be applied to the marble, because the current law does not empower the HPC to opine on paint applied to an already painted surface.

At Friday's meeting, the HPC agreed they would, at their next meeting, take up the issue of murals and other ornamentation painted on buildings, the question of their jurisdiction over paint applied to already painted buildings, and possibly petitioning the Common Council to amend the preservation law. They came to the same conclusion two years ago, when the ornamental painting of 529 Warren Street was brought to their attention.

At that time, HPC legal counsel Victoria Polidoro recommended that the HPC form a working group to come up with a proposal regarding the use of paint in historic districts. It was decided they would look into how other communities with historic districts handled the issue of paint--both paint color and paint application patterns. To Gossips' knowledge, no working group was ever formed, no investigation was ever undertaken, and no request to amend the preservation ordinance was ever made to the Council. Maybe this time will be different.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Tomorrow at Hudson Hall

Tomorrow at 5:00 p.m., an excerpt of Jeffrey Lependorf's work-in-progress chamber opera American Terror, made from the 1969 Firing Line television debate between William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky about America's involvement in Vietnam, will performed at Hudson Hall.

Admission to the performance is pay what you will. Click here for more information and to make a reservation.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

News from the Planning Board

The Planning Board meeting on Tuesday night went on for just shy of four hours. There were several projects considered, and Gossips will report on them one at a time, beginning with Mill Street Lofts, the project being proposed for the playing field on the south side of Mill Street. 

The discussion of the project opened with a presentation by Kearney Realty & Development Group of the amenities they have added to the plan for the site in response to concerns expressed at the August 20 meeting about traffic and transportation. These amenities are described in the letter submitted to the Planning Board on August 26:
  1. Bus Shelter. As discussed during the meeting, the Applicant will work with the City and County to provide a bus route to the project. This shelter will be located at the end of the proposed pedestrian connection between the project and Mill Street to maximize the convenience to future residents.
  2. Fire Apparatus Turnaround. A hammerhead turnaround has been added that complies with Appendix D of the NYS Fire Code. This turnaround will utilize the existing paper street adjacent to the project which will require construction of a third box culvert to convey flow around the site to the proposed stilling basin and the City drainage infrastructure. The turnaround will be adequate to allow buses associated with the proposed bus route to turnaround.
  3. Bicycle Repair Station. A bicycle repair station is proposed along Mill Street to benefit future residents and riders on the Empire State Trail. 
  4. Scenic Overlook Station. A sidewalk has been extended to a bench at the western end of the site at the top of the proposed retaining wall where residents can enjoy the undeveloped open space on the subject property and adjacent to it.
It wasn't pointed out that a bicycle repair station is something of a redundancy given that there is already a bicycle repair station about 500 feet away at the Empire State Trail trailhead at the corner of Dock Street and North Second Street.

During the public comment period, Mill Street resident Faith Gilbert expressed concern about the "improper and possibly illegal use of park land," alluding to the deed restrictions that required the land to be used as a park or for recreation. She suggested that the Planning Board was "expediting the project for the sake of the developer" and recalled that at the August 20 special meeting there seemed to be an effort to persuade the members who had voted against making a negative declaration to change their minds. She asserted that the project would result in a 600 percent increase in neighborhood density and told the Planning Board, "Every household on Mill Street agrees this is a bad fit for the site." She concluded, "The Planning Board should honestly assess the project's impact."

Three Hudson elected officials--Linda Mussmann, Fourth Ward Supervisor; Rich Volo, Fourth Ward Councilmember; Margaret Morris, First Ward Councilmember--were present at the meeting and expressed concerns about the project and its negative impacts on the neighborhood. In his comments, Volo pointed out that this project would negatively impact five houses built by Habitat for Humanity, which he described as "housing that works in this city," enabling homeownership and building generational wealth. In her comments, Morris reiterated the suspicion that the project was being expedited, observing, "This project is moving forward more quickly than other projects." Theresa Joyner, who chairs the Planning Board, told Morris, "It's a perception and not a fact." Despite Joyner's denial, Planning Board member Susan Vernovage Foster later asserted, "This project does seem to be fast-tracked."

Six members of the Planning Board were present for the meeting on Tuesday, as compared with five who were present for the special meeting on August 20, when they failed to have enough votes for a negative declaration. On Tuesday, attorneys Victoria Polidoro and Cassondra Britton and engineering consultant Chris Bertram, from Barton & Loguidice, took turns leading the board through the eighteen questions of Part 2 of the Full Environmental Assessment Form, reviewing the answers they had agreed to on August 20. Of interest was the discussion about Question 11: Impact on Open Space and Recreation. Residents of the neighborhood had given ample testimony that the space was regularly used, for close to two decades, as a playing field, but the Planning Board decided that since the City of Hudson had never officially designated it as such during the forty years it owned the field, its informal recreational use and its value as an open space didn't matter. 

Even more interesting was the discussion relating to Question 18: Consistency with Community Character. Although the residents of Mill Street and almost everyone else think this 70-unit apartment project is completely inappropriate for the site and completely out of character with the neighborhood, the Planning Board decided to define things a bit differently. According to Joyner, with the apparent agreement and support of Planning Board member Randall Martin, the "community" with which this project should be compatible is "not just one block but the whole area"--"the high-rise and everything around that lower part of Hudson." 

When the question of making a negative declaration on the project--meaning that the project will not create significant environmental harm or that environmental impact has been mitigated to a less than significant level--came to a vote, five of the members present (Martin, Gini Casasco, Bettina Young, Gene Shetsky, and Joyner) voted in favor, and only one (Vernovage Foster) voted against. Young had voted against making a negative declaration on August 20 but changed her mind. The other dissenter on August 20, Ben Forman, was absent from Tuesday's meeting.

The entire discussion and vote can be viewed here, beginning at 1:22:15 and ending at 3:17:38.

Interestingly, this evening, Gini Casasco, who voted in support of the negative declaration, posted this on the Facebook group "Unfiltered Hudson."

That grassy field where the kids in the picture are playing, informally and unofficially, is certainly reminiscent of the grassy field on Mill Street, the site of this proposed development.


The Long, Not Winding Road

Work on Colarusso's two-lane, two-way paved road from the quarry to the river moves ahead relentlessly. The picture below was taken this morning, at the intersection of the haul road and Route 9G.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Council Considers Good Cause

At last night's informal meeting, the Common Council took up the issue of the Good Cause Eviction Law. The law was enacted by the New York State Legislature in April. It automatically applies to New York City, but other municipalities in New York can opt in. So far, six have done so: Albany, Kingston, Poughkeepsie, Newburgh, Ithaca, and Beacon--all with populations significantly larger than Hudson's. Beacon, which is the smallest of the six, has a population of 15,259 as compared with Hudson's 5,749. There are two parts of the law that can be determined by each individual city: the definition of small landlord and the definition of luxury apartment. How Hudson would define each of these was not discussed at last night's meeting.

Before the discussion began, three councilmembers recused themselves and left the building: Vicky Daskaloudi (Fifth Ward) and Rich Volo (Fourth Ward), both of whom are landlords, and Dominic Merante (Fifth Ward), who is a tenant and said he did not want to be involved in making a decision that might benefit him financially. During the discussion, Jennifer Belton (Fourth Ward) revealed that she was a landlord, but she would be exempt from the law because she rents one apartment in the building where she herself lives. 

Margaret Morris (First Ward) opened the discussion by saying that she was concerned the law would have negative impacts on tenants seeking apartments. She predicted that the law would be an incentive for landlords to set rents at the maximum amount to start with because rent increases are capped. She also predicted there would be no incentive for landlords to take a risk on a tenant because they would be entering into an agreement over which they had no control. For these reasons, she was not in favor of the law.

Morris also pointed out, "We do not know how many buildings [in Hudson] this [law] would apply to." Any building with income restrictions is exempt, as are buildings for which the certificate of occupancy was issued after January 1, 2009. It was suggested that a landlord could evade the law by taking a building off the market and rehabbing it to require a new certificate of occupancy. When asked about this possibility, Crystal Peck, counsel to the Council, said that litigation would define the specifics of this perceived loophole.

The Hudson critic who identifies himself as the Friendly Neighborhood Immigrant opined that "the law clearly is not designed for a city the size of Hudson." He said that Cambridge, Massachusetts, once had a similar law, but it destroyed the rental market, and the law was rescinded. He asked of the Council, "Why do you know better than Cambridge, Massachusetts?" He asserted, "In the long term, rent control harms those it is trying to help."

A representative of For the Many, the advocacy group that endorsed Claire Cousin in her unsuccessful run for State Assembly, maintained there was no evidence that the law would reduce the housing supply. He noted that it allows landlords to raise rents by 5 percent every year. He argued that the law gives tenants the right to ask for repairs and to make long-term plans without having to worry about where they will live. He also denied that the law would perpetually trap landlords in a lease. 

Morris took issue with the statement that the law does not lock landlords into a lease in perpetuity and reiterated that it would make it very difficult for someone to get into an apartment. Lola Roberts (Third Ward) defended the law, saying that it protects people already in apartments, alleging that "landlords kick people out for no reason."

The Friendly Neighborhood Immigrant suggested the law might harm older people and disabled people. Morris elaborated, saying landlords could reclaim a unit for personal use or for a family member unless the tenant is elderly or disabled. This, she suggested, would make people unwilling to rent to the elderly or disabled.

Peck commented, "It's going to take time for issues not clarified in the law to be clarified in the court."

Supervisor Linda Mussmann (Fourth Ward), who owns rental properties in Hudson, commented, "We don't know how many small landlords there are in Hudson." She further opined that the law "would certainly discourage people from being a landlord."

The meeting was adjourned before there was any discussion of what might constitute a "small landlord" or what percentage of fair market rent would exempt an apartment as "luxury"--the two aspects of the law that can be determined by individual municipalities opting in to the law. 

Before the Planning Board Tonight

The agenda for tonight's Planning Board meeting is now available on the City of Hudson website. It includes the continuation of the public hearings on five projects currently before the Planning Board:
  • The subdivision proposed for Hudson Avenue
  • The new location of Lil' Deb's Oasis at 735 Columbia Street
  • The apartment building proposed for Fairview Avenue between Parkwood and Oakwood boulevards--It is expected that at this meeting the applicant will respond to the Planning Board's requests that they reduce the number of units from 30 to 15; provide 26 assigned offstreet parking spaces for tenants, workers in the commercial space, and visitors; create ADA compliant sidewalks and crosswalks at Parkwood and Oakwood and along Fairview Avenue as far as Aldi's.
  • The 70-unit apartment project proposed for Mill Street known as Mill Street Lofts--The Planning Board may return to its consideration of the Full Environmental Assessment Form (FEAF). At a special meeting on August 20, the five members of the Planning Board in attendance failed to agree on issuing a negative declaration, which would indicate the project would not have a significant adverse impact on the environment and hence does not require an Environmental Impact Report.
  • The subdivision of a large tract of land in North Bay, on either side of North Second Street, ownership of which is being transferred from the Hudson Industrial Development Agency (IDA) to the Columbia Land Conservancy. The subdivision, or lot line adjustment, would carve out a small area on the west side of the street, just beyond the entrance to the dog park, that would become the property of the City of Hudson. There is currently a DPW garage there, and it is the site where the City dumps snow removed from the streets in winter.

New on the agenda for tonight's meeting is a proposal from Return Brewing to renovate the remaining 9,850 square feet of the building where they are located to create a theater, event space, and restaurant. 

The Planning Board meeting starts at 6:30 p.m., and it doesn't seem likely it will be over before the debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former president Donald Trump begins at 9:00 p.m. The Planning Board meeting is a hybrid, taking place in person at City Hall and on Zoom. Click here to join the meeting remotely.