Monday, May 20, 2024

Nothing Is Forever

When the City of Hudson agreed to sell three City-owned parcels of land to Kearney Realty & Development Group for building affordable housing in early 2023, it was discovered that one of the parcels was incumbered by a "reverter clause." That parcel was the playing field at the end of Mill Street, which was once the playground for Charles Williams School. According to the 1983 deed that conveyed the parcel to the City, if the land were to be used for any purpose other than a park or for recreation, ownership would revert back to the Hudson City School District.

In September 2023, Mayor Kamal Johnson appeared at a Board of Education meeting to appeal to the board to negate the reverter clause. How the situation resolved itself was never announced, but Gossips has recently learned that on February 27, 2024, the HCSD Board of Education passed a resolution releasing the reverter clause. The resolution states in part: 
the Board has determined that a fair, equitable and reasonable value of the reverter would be one-half of the proceeds received therefor based upon the Property's fair market value in 1983, the City's use for over forty years, the City's pledge to apply the other one-half of the proceeds toward furthering the affordable housing program within the City of Hudson, and the Board's and District's commitment to supporting affordable housing within the school district. . . .
The full resolution can be found here. It is anticipated that the City will sell the parcel to Kearney for $272,000, and $136,000 will go to the Hudson City School District.


  1. A tiny lot on State Street big enough for one small house is selling for $215,000. For a City and School District short on cash, with spending caps and cutting programs, why would they sell a developer a parcel easily worth millions for such a small amount?

    An alderperson recently told me they favored this project because the developer said they were going to build a park - but it is a park now! The lack of rationality here is astounding. What kind of logic would conclude that a quiet, secluded residential street with a few houses and a park is an acceptable site for a three building apartment complex with over 80 units?

  2. With all due respect Slow art, your views are not rrelevant . You've sold your soul to tourist and all that comes with them....
