On Friday, May 25, 1917, the Hudson Evening Register announced the plans for the parade, which would take place on Memorial Day, May 30. Since the Memorial Day parade for 2017 is happening on Monday, beginning at 10:15 a.m. at the Veterans Monument in Seventh Street Park and proceeding down Warren Street to Fourth Street and then across to the courthouse, it seems appropriate to recount the Memorial Day parade and ceremony that were planned for Hudson a hundred years ago.
The following is the order of exercises for Memorial Day which will be held from the porch of Cedar Park chapel after the parades reaches there. The parade will start from the armory at 9 o'clock. Should the day be stormy, the exercises will be held at the City Hall.
Order and Formation of Parade.
The parade will form at 8:30 sharp.
Louis Rote, Marshal.
Fred Wheeler and Lieut. Conway, Aides.
Hudson Police department, Sergeant John Cruise, commanding.
First Division
George Miller, Mounted Aide.
Hudson band.
Company F, 19th Infantry, Captain A. M. Best, commanding.
Company H, 71st Infantry, Captain Frederick W. Vogel, commanding.
George Becker, Mounted Aide.
Hudson Fire department, David J. Barry, Chief; Robert S. Decker, first assistant; John P. Decker, second assistant.
Edmonds Hose Co. No. 1, Harry Propst, foreman.
Rogers Hose Co. No. 2, Clarence Worth, foreman.
C. H. Evans H. & L. Co. No. 3, Emil Henkirk, foreman.
Washington Hose Co., No. 3, William Griffin, foreman.
Phoenix Hose Co. No. 5, Fred Houghtaling, foreman.
J. W. Hoysradt Hose and Chemical Co. No. 8, George H. Armstrong, foreman.
Second Division.
Carlton T. Harris, Mounted Aide.
Co. F, 19th Infantry Drum corps.
Hendrick Hudson Uniformed Rank K. of P. [Knights of Pythias], Geo. Reese, Captain.
23d Sep. Co. Veterans' Corps, Henry Waterman, Capt.
Hudson Lodge, B. P. O. E. [Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks], No, 787, F. B. Wheeler, E. R. [Exalted Ruler].
Vittorio Emmanuel Society, Peter Monaco, Captain.
Hudson Camp, M. W. A. [Modern Woodmen of America], No. 877, Neil M. Anderson, Consul.
Hendrick Hudson Tent, No. 577, K. O. T. M. [Knights of the Maccabees], Leavitt Hoffman, Commander.
Third Division
Philip P. Martin, Mounted Aide.
Philmont band.
Hudson Cadet battalion, Stanley Onderdonk, commanding.
Hudson Lodge, No. 1184, Loyal Order of Moose, John J. Moy, commanding.
Knights of Columbus of Hudson, J. Harold Begley, Grand Knight.
Raccoczy Society, Stephen Toth, commanding.
The Thirteen Martyrs of Arad, Alexander Lutsky, commanding.
The Christopher Columbus Society, Vincenzo Pantozzi, Master.
St. Kossnier Society.
Fourth Division
Stanley Marsh, Mounted Aide.
Hudson Cadet Battalion Drum corps.
Boy Scouts, Troop No. 1, M. E. [Methodist Episcopal] church, R. W. Rossman, Scout Master.
Boy Scouts, Troop No. 2, H. S. Duncan, Scout Master.
Boy Scouts, Troop No. 3, Mellenville, Bradford Shufelt, Scout Master.
Boy Scouts, Troop No. 4, Episcopal church, Ernest T. Bond, Scout Master.
Pupils of the High school of Hudson.
Pupils of St. Mary's Academy, of Hudson.
Christ Church Choir Boys, Ernest T. Bond,, Director.
R. D. Lathrop Camp, No. 3, Sons of Veterans, Mark Cammer, Commander.
United Spanish American War Veterans, William Churchill, Commander.
Mayor Charles S. Harvey, Common Council, City Officials, clergy, and invited guests.
Line of March
Over Fifth to Union, down Union to West Court to Allen, down Allen to Third; over Third to Union, down Union to Front to Warren, up Warren to Park Place, Park Place to Columbia, to Cedar Park cemetery.
The return will be made over Prospect avenue, down Warren and over Fifth street to the armory.
Order of Exercises
The following is the order of exercises to be held at the Cedar Park cemetery on Memorial Day, Wednesday, May 30. If rain prevents parade exercises will be held at City Hall.
Bugle Call--Assembly.
Prayer by Rev. D. William Lawrence, Chaplain, R. D. Lathrop Post, No. 138, G. A. R. [Grand Army of the Republic].
Singing--"Battle Hymn of the Republic." By Christ Church Choir boys. Prof. Ernest T. Bond, director.
Reading of General Orders, C. S. Dept. of N.Y, G.A.R. by Eugene C. Secor, Adjutant of R. D. Lathrop Post 138, G.A.R.
"America," by Hudson City band.
Reading of President Lincoln's Address at Gettysburg by Mark Rosenthal, Secretary of R. D. Lathrop camp, No. 3, Sons of Veterans.
Singing--"Tenting To-night." By Christ Church Choir boys.
Reading Original Order No. 11 by General Logan instituting the observance of Memorial Day, by Henry M. Saulpaugh, Adjutant of Hudson camp No. 71, United Spanish American War Veterans.
"Star Spangled Banner," by the Philmont band.
Oration--Rev. Charles H. Murch, of the Universalist church, Hudson.
Singing--"America." By Christ Church Choir boys.
Benediction--By Rev. R. Irving Watkins, D.D., of the First Methodist Episcopal church.
Salute--Firing Squad, Co. F.
Bugle Call--Taps.