Monday, September 21, 2020

Meetings of Interest in the Week Ahead

Early voting begins in 33 days. In the meantime, here are the meetings that are happening in Hudson this week.
  • On Tuesday, September 22, the board of the Hudson Development Corporation meets at noon. To access the Zoom meeting, click here. The meeting ID is 822 1561 6942; the passcode is 267685. The word is that some part of the meeting will take place in executive session.
  • Also on Tuesday, September 22, the Hudson IDA (Industrial Development Agency) holds a special meeting at 1:00 p.m. to consider the PILOT agreement for Hudson House, the boutique hotel project proposed for 620 Union Street. 
At the public hearing on the proposed PILOT, which took place last Wednesday, only two members of the public spoke. John Kane asked about the commitment to hire local people for positions at the hotel and noted that hospitality workers typically do not earn enough to afford to live in Hudson. Steve Dunn asked if the project would be abandoned if the PILOT was not granted and also questioned the assessment of the completed hotel being used in the calculations presented in the cost-benefit analysis. A letter in support of the project, submitted by Scott Neven of Neven and Neven Moderne, was read aloud during the public hearing, in which it was stated: "[The hotel] will create new jobs for residents of Hudson and it will generate revenue for the business owners in Hudson and will generate significant revenue for the City of Hudson." 

  • At 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 22, the HDC Emergency Cultural Task Force resumes its meetings after a brief hiatus. According to Seth Rogovoy, who chairs the task force, the meeting is "somewhat morphing into a weekly discussion of the greater Hudson arts and cultural scene." This week's meeting will feature a presentation by Laura Summer about the "Art Dispersal" of paintings from the project In the Figure of Divine Substance to be exhibited next weekend at Lightforms Art Center and about the new video by Finnish video artist Sampsa Pirtola displayed in the front window of Lightforms. Click here to join the Zoom meeting. The meeting ID is 972 7312 5560; the passcode is 009933.
  • On Wednesday, September 23, the Common Council Public Works and Parks Committee meets at 5:00 p.m., and the Legal Committee meets at 6:15 p.m. Information to access the meetings will be posted on the City of Hudson website prior to the meetings. Scroll down to the calendar. 
  • On Friday, September 25, the Historic Preservation Commission meets at 10:00 a.m. The meeting can be viewed at Hudson City Zoom Meetings on YouTube.


  1. So is Scott Neven an economist? Where does he come up with his assertions that [The hotel] will create new jobs for residents of Hudson and it will generate revenue for the business owners in Hudson and will generate significant revenue for the City of Hudson."? From what resource does he make his inference? Does Hudson need to be giving away money to a business that may or may not "create jobs and tax revenue"? They're going to be investing tens of millions of dollars. Do they really need a tax break?

  2. DEAR FUNKY HUDSON -common sense people understand that hotel occupants visiting towns on weekends spend money and enjoy themselves and the beautiful town they are visitng.

    our County sales tax rate is 8%. it is shared by the city, the county, and the state. Historically, the sales taxes collected in the county have been rising alot each year due to the increase in business in Hudson. In fact, the County sales tax collections as a percentage of revenues are far ahead of the rest of the NY counties. that is supposed to be good, for rational people who understand economics and budgets.

    the lodging tax in NY State is something like 8%. that is another tax.

    the revenue benefits to the City are real.

    however, if you are anti-business and anti- balanced budgets, that is another story.

    Hudson actually needs real businesses and investments. how do you think Hudson became what it is today ?? what you like and what is here now took alot of investment and sweat equity. be grateful someone is investing in Hudson and the future.
