Monday, April 5, 2021

Building Soon to Be for Sale

At its meeting on March 24, the Common Council ad hoc committee tasked with selling City-owned properties, the focus shifted from 1 North Front Street and 10-12 Warren Street, both properties encumbered by leases, to 429 Warren Street, the former location of the City Court  clerk's office, where the Code Enforcement Office is now located. 

Ever since the City Court moved with the Hudson Police Department to their new location on Union Street, it has been the plan to sell the building. The question has been what to do with the Code Enforcement Office. At the last meeting of the ad hoc committee, Council president Tom DePietro told the committee that Code Enforcement would be temporarily relocated to modular unit set up in the vacant lot across Washington Street from the Central Fire Station, the same lot the Galvan Foundation asked for in its initial proposal to give 400 State Street to the City for use as City Hall. 

Now it seems, according to an article that appeared today in the Register-Star, DePietro has another plan for accommodating the Code Enforcement Office, but one he will not be ready to share for two or three months: "City considers selling code enforcement office."

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