Sunday, November 12, 2023

Meetings and Events in the Week Ahead

This week, we reach the midpoint of November. As the days grow shorter and colder, and we move inexorably toward winter, there is a lot happening this week.
  • On Monday, November 13, at 3:30 p.m., there is a "Rally to Take Back CD19 & Oppose Rep. Marc Molinaro & His Extremist GOP." The rally takes place in Seventh Street Park, a.k.a. the Public Square.
  • Also on Monday, November 13, the Common Council holds a special meeting at 5:45 p.m. to consider a resolution "identifying the City of Hudson as the responsible local official authorized to access NYDOT's EBO system." The meeting is a hybrid, taking place in person at the Central Fire Station, 77 North Seventh Street, and on Zoom. Click here to join the meeting remotely.
  • At 6:00 p.m. on Monday, November 13, the Common Council holds its informal meeting. The Council will likely be discussing the proposed budget for 2024. In addition to that, the only thing on the agenda so far is a resolution authorizing a vendor contract with Columbia County Recovery Kitchen to provide after-school meals at the Youth Center. The meeting is a hybrid, taking place in person at the Central Fire Station, 77 North Seventh Street, and on Zoom. Click here to join the meeting remotely.
  • On Tuesday, November 14, the Planning Board meets at 6:00 p.m. Among other things, the Colarusso application for site plan approval to expand its haul road through South Bay in on the agenda. The meeting is a hybrid, taking place in person at the Central Fire Station, 77 North Seventh Street, and on Zoom. Click here to join the meeting remotely.
  • On Wednesday, November 15, the Zoning Board of Appeals meets at 6:00 p.m. No agenda is available for the meeting, which takes place in person only at the Central Fire Station, 77 North Seventh Street.
  • On Thursday, November 16, at 5:30 p.m., there is a public hearing on the proposed budget for 2024. The hearing is a hybrid, taking place in person at the Central Fire Station, 77 North Seventh Street, and on Zoom. Click here to join the meeting remotely.
  • On Friday, November 17, the Historic Preservation Commission meets at 10:00 a.m. This will be the HPC's only meeting in November. On the agenda for the meeting is a public hearing on the proposed alternations to 122 Union Street to bring the 21st-century addition more in character with the original house and the surrounding neighborhood. The meeting is a hybrid, taking place in person at the Central Fire Station, 77 North Seventh Street, and on Zoom. Click here to join the meeting remotely. 


  1. I get the impression that the planning board meeting on Tuesday is not actually open the public in-person. The agenda document appears to imply that in-person only applies to the planning board members.

    1. You may be misreading that statement. Planning Board members must be present in person. Members of the public have the option of attending in person, on Zoom, and listening on the radio. But it's a public meeting not a public hearing. Being there in person does not mean you get to speak.

    2. Hmmh, yeah, I see now how it can be read this way, too. It's an odd way of wording what you are describing.

  2. As for Rep. Molinaro, it was only a matter of time.

    1. If anyone follows what really goes on, Molinaro actually is doing a good job for upstate throughout district 19 for all. He has butted heads against the GOP on quite a few issues while focusing and serving his constituents and not just the party. He is doing his job with his feet on the ground pounding the pavement all over the district unlike some others who just want to blow their horn at the podium.

      Secondly, the cartoon with the quote in the beginning of the blog, I've tirelessly searched all over and trying to find that actual quote but having a hard time finding it, especially when there is no actual reference to the quote and is just a picture.

      People should be working together for solutions no matter what side your on and not fighting and be disgruntled because you may not agree with the other or play on their team.

      Whether its from Aesop "The Four Oxen and the Lion" or Patrick Henry's 1799 Speech, remember "United we stand, divided we fall".

  3. I, personally, don't care how much Molinaro pounds the pavement and wants to be seen as a local hero. He backs and votes with the seditionist idiots in the House, and supports the unimaginably criminal and arch-traitor Trump, and, ultimately, that's all that matters. He's shown his true colors---to hell with him!

  4. Has Molinaro said, loudly and clearly, that the 2020 election was legitimate, that Joe Biden is our president, and that those who deny this are seditionists? If not, I have no use for him whatsoever.
