Saturday, June 22, 2024

Progress at the Depot

The first of four residential floors at 76 North Seventh Street, the building now known as Hudson Depot Lofts, has been framed out. 

Photo: Win Jackson
Photo: Win Jackson
The floor plans for the building's 63 one-, two-, and three-bedroom apartments can be found here

This is the building that was originally proposed by the Galvan Foundation to be market rate apartments, but it was redefined as "workforce housing" in order to qualify for a PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes). The building is now intended for households with incomes between 80 and 130 percent of the area median income (AMI).


  1. Who would want to live there that owns a car? Parking even somewhat conveniently is going to be impossible -- every day and every night for all tenants who own a vehicle.
    It's not just that Galvan had the gall to propose this ill-conceived project to the Planning Board, it's that the PB approved it -- and both of the apartment buildings!

    It's worth noting and remembering that last year the city got rid of the alternate side overnight parking rule in the City Hall Municipal Lot in the 500 block of Columbia so that tenants of these apartment buildings could park there overnight without worry of being ticketed. That's how stupid Galvan's proposed project was and is and will be. The city got rid of a source of revenue (overnight tickets in the lot) to open the lot up to cars owned by people living a 5 or 7 minute walk away (20 minutes with groceries and children).
    It's true.

  2. Workforce housing for people with an income of 80% to 130% of the household median income for the area. the median income is 81 thousand as of 2022, meaning incomes of 64 k to 110 k or thereabouts for tenants. I guess that is a good deal.

    that sounds pretty reasonable.

  3. Drove past yesterday. With only one floor it's already looking too huge for the area. And two like that? Good grief, welcome to the Bronx.
