Monday, June 3, 2024

What's Happening with the Tree Ordinance?

A tree ordinance has been a topic of discussion and a goal since 2006. Last December, it seemed we might be getting close to having an ordinance that encouraged tree planting and prohibited the senseless elimination of trees. A draft tree ordinance was submitted by the Conservation Advisory Council to the Common Council Legal Committee for review and consideration. It is not clear from the minutes of the December 2023 Legal Committee meeting what next steps had been agreed upon regarding the tree ordinance, but it was expected the legislation might be introduced to the full Council at its December 19 meeting. That didn't happen. It's impossible to know how much, if at all, opinions like this one shared by former mayor Rick Scalera on the Facebook group "Unfiltered Hudson" influenced the situation and caused the legislation to languish, but little attention has been paid to a tree ordinance for the past six months.

Meanwhile, the loss of trees continues. This morning, the Galvan Foundation, which over the years has displayed a penchant for clear-cutting properties in its extensive inventory, cut down a tree behind 34 South Second Street, a house Galvan has owned since 2012. It's surprising the tree survived for the past dozen years.


1 comment:

  1. Galvan is relentless. With global warming on the up we'd better plant more trees.
