Monday, July 22, 2024

News from Tonight's HHA Meeting

In his report to the Board of Commissioners, Jeffrey Dodson, executive director of the Hudson Housing Authority, said HHA had issued an RFQ (request for qualifications) for an affordable housing consultant to assist in "managing and maximizing financial returns while pursuing redevelopment." Later on in the meeting, the board approved writing off $8,107 in uncollectable debt from tenants who had either been evicted or voluntarily terminated their lease.

Dodson also told the board they had gotten initial feedback on the redevelopment plans from "the state," which I expect is NYS Homes and Community Renewal. It will be remembered what HHA is proposing is expected to cost $220 million. Dodson reported the state was urging them to look for additional funding. According to the Q&A on the HHA website, "The primary source of funding for the project is anticipated to be through the Low-Income Housing 
Tax Credit Program, a federal program to generate private investment into affordable housing along with a first mortgage loan leveraging tax exempt bond proceeds, and loans through various State and Federal Programs set aside for public housing, affordable housing, and community revitalization." The state also suggested that HHA look for cost savings, citing in particular the plan for underground parking.

In the public comment period, Councilmember Margaret Morris (First Ward) asked what the plan for parking might be if underground parking was determined not to be feasible. The response was there was no plan at this time.  

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