Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Happening This Saturday

On Saturday, July 20, there is to be a "Community Joy Day," from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m., at the Hudson waterfront. 

The event will feature free food, healing, herbal medicine, acupuncture, live music, capoeira, sound bath, kid's zone, tarot, performance, and arts & crafts. There will also be an Engagement Station, hosted by the Dunn Team, a.k.a. CGS Group, which will be workshopping outdoor uses for the historic Dunn Warehouse. 

There is a survey that seeks community input about the potential uses of the Dunn warehouse. It seems the existence of the survey was made known primarily on Instagram. For those who missed it on Instagram, the survey can be found here. The deadline for completing the survey is Saturday, July 20.

Gossips urges readers to complete the survey before Saturday. It is expected that the survey results will be shared on Saturday at the Engagement Station.

Again, the survey can be found here.


  1. It's been a lifelong dream of mine to practice Brazilian capoeira in proximity to a gravel dump and truck route. We are fortunate to live in such a special place...

    1. I agree, I love to meditate and watch the sunset while breathing in diesel fumes and gravel dust.

    2. Yes, the trains going through there stink. Hang in there, the haul road is almost paved and will eliminate the dust for the most part.

  2. Community. Joy. Day. Engagement Station. Workshopping outdoor uses. What's not to understand? Come on! Get on your Insta account and fill out the survey. Just make sure your answers match what they want to hear.

    1. The real question is: What do they want to hear? I filled it out when I read the initial announcement of the survey went out. It was a struggle because I felt that most of the options given to me for each question were widely impractical and struck me as undesirable. I therefore made copious use of the "other suggestion" or so box at the bottom of the survey.

      I will drop by just to hear from the horse's mouth what they have in mind.
