Saturday, September 16, 2023

Apartments of Distinction: Update

This week, work on the storefront is progressing, but the brick, after an apparent attempt last Saturday to remove the limewash, remains a blotchy white. This is how the building appeared this morning.

Here's the rendering of the building that was granted a certificate of appropriateness by the Historic Preservation Commission.



  1. To make it look like the submitted rendering, they can do the following. Two or three are not done yet.

    1. the storefront has to be painted the color in the rendering. the other decorative framing has to be painted. easy

    2. the shutters have to be installed. easy

    3. the brick has to be sand blasted to remove the white washing. Not impossible.

    the brick in its past condition was more attractive.

    1. The project isn't finished yet, but sandblasting is not an option. It is typically not permitted in historic districts because of the damage it causes to the brick.

    2. well, how do you reverse the whitewashing is the question then. perhaps power washing ?
      googling it, a product called trisodium phosphate is mentioned. perhaps the owner can try a small area to see if it works.
