Wednesday, September 27, 2023

News of the Robert Taylor House

The Robert Taylor House, generally considered to be the oldest surviving house in Hudson, has been owned by the Galvan Foundation since 2011, and during that time not much has been done to curb demolition by neglect. Gossips has written about the house many times, both recounting its history and worrying about its future.

Gossips learned today that the Robert Taylor House has been sold. According to the deed filing, the buyer is 68 South 2nd Street LLC. Further inquiry revealed that 68 South 2nd Street LLC shares an address with South Front Street Holding LLC, the LLC that owns The Caboose and Kitty's. 

There is reason to hope that Ben Fain will do better by the historic house than Eric Galloway did.


1 comment:

  1. According to public tax records, Ben and Colleen Fain (under their names and two LLC's) own at least 5 properties on Cross Street, not including Kitty's, which is on Front Street. One of those properties, 23 Cross, is now vacant after the perfectly fine house there was demolished recently to make way for the area behind the Caboose and the lavish wedding parties that will be happening there. There are only 7 buildings/houses on Cross Street, it appears. Might have to rename the street soon.
