Wednesday, October 18, 2023

An Interesting Bit of Information

At the Hudson Industrial Development Agency (IDA) meeting this morning, city treasurer Heather Campbell shared this information about PILOTs (payments in lieu of taxes). Campbell explained that the IDA receives PILOT payments and distributes the money to the taxing entities: the City of Hudson, Columbia County, and the Hudson City School District. She noted that when she started as treasurer in 2014, HCSD was getting 45 percent of each PILOT, but because the school district's budget keeps increasing, they are now getting more than 50 percent of PILOT payments.  


  1. Wait. So the HCSD is getting PILOT money on top of our outrageous taxes? And we're still left with one of the worst school districts in the state. Insane.

  2. So US News & World Report has Hudson High ranked at #752 out of 1,376 high schools in NY state. Not great at all, but also not one of the worst, which seems to be a constant comment here.

  3. I wonder how much of the shift is due to how our assessment rolls are getting more and more off balance, and thus the state slapping us with a lower equalization rate, which shifts more of the tax burden to Hudson vs other municipalities that we share taxes with (school and county).
