Last year, in June, Gossips reported about the savage "pruning" of the smoke bush at 446 Warren Street: "A Different Kind of Vandalism."
Today, a resident of the 100 block of Warren Street told Gossips she discovered (and foiled) two men trying to steal bamboo from her backyard. They were equipped with an axe and a variety of clippers. According to the would-be victim of today's attempted vandalism, one of the men looked very much like one of the men captured by security cameras in last year's smoke bush mutilation, and the vehicle involved was a dark SUV similar to the one in the smoke bush incident.
Gossips shares the following warning: "Local people should keep their eyes open if they have smoke trees or other valuable/unusual shrubs on their property." It is speculated that the botanical vandals may be selling the clippings to designers in the New York City's floral district.