Sunday, June 16, 2024

Meetings and Events in the Week Ahead

This week, we are looking forward to the first heat wave of the year, which is expected to begin on Tuesday, two days in advance of the summer solstice, which happens on Thursday. Meanwhile, here's what else is happening.
  • On Monday, June 17, the Hudson Housing Authority Board of Commissioners meets at 6:00 p.m. As always, the meeting is a possible opportunity to learn something new about HHA's proposed $220 million redevelopment plan. The meeting is a hybrid, taking place in person in the Community Room at Bliss Towers, 41 North Second Street, and on Zoom. Click here to join the meeting remotely.
  • On Tuesday, June 18, the Common Council Finance Committee meets at 5:15 p.m. The meeting is a hybrid, taking place in person at City Hall and on Microsoft Teams. Click here for the link to join the meeting remotely.
  • At 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 18, the Common Council holds its regular monthly meeting. The meeting is a hybrid, taking place in person at City Hall and on Microsoft Teams. Click here for the link to join the meeting remotely.
  • On Wednesday, June 19, the Zoning Board of Appeals meets at 6:00 p.m. The meeting is in person only at City Hall. No agenda for the meeting is as yet available.
  • On Saturday, June 22, the OutHudson Pride Parade begins at 2:00 p.m.


  1. you may be looking forward, many of us are dreading

  2. You wouldn't know it by going to the city's website, but all city hall offices are closed today!

  3. my bad, offices are open today. They will be closed on Wednesday, though, and there is no indication as such on the city website.
