Tuesday, October 17, 2023

The Acquisition Continues

Although, as Gossips reported yesterday, the Galvan Foundation is actively acquiring property in Savannah, Georgia, the acquisition of Hudson has not stopped. Gossips learned yesterday that Galvan Initiatives Foundation recently purchased 64 Green Street.

The sale was recorded on October 5, 2023.


1 comment:

  1. Why hasn't the City of Hudson ever acted to pass an ordinance or law forbidding the ownership of more than X (10, 20...?) number of properties by any one single entity, either outright or through proxy organizations? Isn't it within the City's right to do so? And, please, no one should counter by arguing that it would be against our Capitalist system---the federal govt. prevents this from happening all the time, by denying monopolies in crucial businesses. I think it would be a reasonable thing to do, just as Hudson (supposedly) limits its exposure to chain stores. Why constantly submit to, and even aide and abet, Galvan's apparently insatiable greed?
