Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hudson in 1905: Part 94

The following is an excerpt from the booklet Illustrated Hudson, N.Y., published in 1905.

LOUI COSTA--Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fruits, Nuts, and Candies. No. 257 and 621½ Warren street. Mr. Costa has recently taken in a partner, and the title of the firm is now Loui Costa & Company. This company conduct one of the most important and successful business enterprises in the city, and have been engaged in such for the last fifteen years. They are both wholesale and retail dealers, and make it a special point to get their goods down to the lowest cash prices in town. They are managers of two large stores, both of which are excellently situated in the business portions of Warren street. They deal largely and almost exclusively in fruits, nuts, and candies, with specialties in the line of imported fruits and an enormous stock of Virginia peanuts. Such goods are always kept on hand. As a side issue, cigars, tobaccos and soft drinks are sold. Three men are engaged to assist in the management of the stores, and one wagon is used for the prompt delivery of orders.

257 Warren Street today--Lili and Loo

621 Warren Street today--Bavier Brook

Gossips Note: For the past three months, we've been serializing the content of  Illustrated Hudson, N.Y., and exploring the businesses that existed here more than a hundred years ago. The exercise has provided a real sense of life in Hudson at the dawn of the last century, and many have enjoyed loitering in that bygone era. But, alas, all good things must come to an end, and with today's offering, we have come to the end of Illustrated Hudson, N.Y., appropriately perhaps for the holiday season with a dealer in fruits, nuts, and candies.     


  1. Thank-you Gossips for sharing "Illustrated Hudson,N.Y." 1905,and all the leg work involved in photographing those same buildings
    or locations today,plus all your additional research you did and shared.It's been a wonderful journey.

  2. That was great Carole. Some quite depressing 'now' shots. I was so looking forward to a history of my building, but alas, it didn't make the grade.

  3. Outstanding articles, you have the BEST blog relative to Hudson, NY.
    You championed the spirit of Hudson's past, present & future.
    I hope that the City of Hudson & its citizens recognize that you are one the best human assests living & supporting the Hudson, NY community.
    Congratulations on a job well done Carole Osterink! You did good.
    It truely has been a joy to read each of your "Parts".
    So what's next?
    with best regards
    Tom D'Onofrio

  4. This was a fascinating walk back in time. Thank you for posting these.

  5. Thanks for publishing this series, Carole. Have enjoyed the peeks into the past.

  6. sorry to see the end of this marvelous insight into what was and is.
    great work gossips!

  7. We've loved reading this amazing series and were hoping so much that you would profile our building--we squeaked in at the last entry! It has been a delight to get to know Hudson's past, thanks for a wonderful feature!
