Monday, November 18, 2013

How Tall a Foundation

A foundation is now being built at 215 Union Street on which 900 Columbia Street will be "reassembled." To this observer and others, it seems awfully high.

It appears to be as high as the foundation on the house next door, which requires six steps to reach the entrance. 

The house in its original configuration in its original location required only three steps to reach the threshold. 


  1. “We’re using the plans that were in place for the building as our basis for reconstruction,” Galvan Foundation executive director Dan Kent told the Register-Star. The plans are not as old as the building, but of recent vintage; an historical architect will not be employed, Kent said: “A project manager with a background in engineering is working on the project.”

    At the HPC meeting on September 13, 2013, Rick Scalera, special adviser to the Galvan Foundation, stated that it was Galvan's intention to "reuse the design and specifications of that particular house as well as any materials that can be reused at 215 Union" and assured the HPC that the plans for the "reconstruction" would be presented for a certificate of appropriateness.

    Where is the permit and why was it issued before the preservation committee had an opportunity to review this work? Is there a permit? Big questions for the new building inspector. Big, important, character defining questions.

  2. Three steps to the threshold from the late 20th century cement sidewalk. What's the perspective on distance from ground level to threshold at the time the house was built?
