Tuesday, July 16, 2024


In March, the Hudson City School District (HCSD) Board of Education passed a resolution accepting an offer from the Hudson Development Corporation (HDC) to purchase John L. Edwards (JLE), the elementary school building constructed in 1964 which has been vacant and for sale since 2018. 

Photo: Jonathan Simons
Yesterday, HCSD signed a contract for HDC to purchase the building. Under the terms of the contract, there is a six-month due diligence period before the sale actually happens, during which time HDC can exit with a total refund if circumstances, for any reason, make it impossible for HDC to purchase the property. The sale requires the approval of the voters in the Hudson City School District.

At the Common Council meeting tonight, the Council will be asked to vote on two resolutions approving and endorsing grant applications being submitted by HDC. The first resolution is in support of an application for a $675,000 matching grant from the Environmental Protection Fund: Parks, Preservation and Heritage Grants, which would be used for playground improvement, site work, renovation of the gym, and renovation of the kitchen as a culinary training facility. The second resolution supports an application to Homes and Community Renewal in the Downtown Anchor Project category for $300,000 for streetscape improvement and building renovation.

HDC is also applying for a third grant, this one from Empire State Development: Strategic Planning and Feasibility Studies, for $100,000 for professional fees, including architectural, structural, civil, and mechanical, electrical, and plumbing.

The presentation of HDC's vision for the building, which was made to the HCSD Board of Education in March, can be viewed here, beginning at 45:41.


Update: Both resolutions of support for HDC's grant applications were passed unanimously by the members of the Common Council present at tonight's meeting. Three members were absent from the meeting: Gary Purnhagen (First Ward), Dewan Sarowar (Second Ward), and Lola Roberts (Third Ward). Rich Volo (Fourth Ward) attended the meeting virtually.

1 comment:

  1. The first priority is to make sure that the County Supervisors have nothing to do with this deal.
