Tuesday, July 23, 2024

News from HCSD

At tonight's meeting of the Hudson City School District Board of Education, Superintendent Juliette Pennyman shared the news that Hudson had been chosen to be part of a pilot program in New York State that allows graduating students in the top 10 percent academically to attend the SUNY school of their choice free. Pennyman explained it was an initiative by Governor Kathy Hochul to encourage the best and the brightest to stay in New York. Pennyman's statement to the board can be viewed here, beginning at 18:30.   

Pennyman said more information about this program would be forthcoming.

On July 15, HCSD issued a press release which made this announcement:
The Hudson City School District is expanding access to college by participating in New York State’s Direct Admission Program, which will enable Hudson High School seniors in the top 10% of their class to be offered acceptance, without application, to State University of New York and City University of New York campuses. 
High school seniors during 2024-2025 who will enter college in Fall 2025 are eligible for the program’s inaugural year. The Hudson City School District is one of a handful of school districts statewide asked to participate in this initial grouping. 
The entire press release can be found here.

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