Sunday, September 15, 2024

Addendum to "Signs of the Time"

It seems the implementation of a plan to affix signs and logos to 251 Allen Street, now being operated as a B & B called "The Hudson Navigator," has already begun. Gossips took this picture of the house this morning.

Obviously this ornamentation is meant to be complemented by the internally illuminated sign proposed for the side of the building facing South Third Street.



  1. Well, it's about time that the folks on Allen Street have to live with an ugly illuminated sign. The residents living near (and anyone walking or driving by) the enormous double-sided multicolored always flashing well illuminated cigarettes beer and food advertisement sign on Green at McKinstry have been living with that obscenity for years and I don't hear anyone complaining about that one.
    Our code enforcement office doesn't care about quality of life issues, how safe the city sidewalks are or what the city looks like. Craig's primary concern is issuing as many building (and other) permits as possible so that his office can stay afloat and he can get paid. I'm afraid that it is as simple as that.

    1. The illuminated sign they are proposing is not consistent with the neighborhood. The Amelia down the street has a lovely sign with just the letter (A) which is more upscale and appropriate. A 7'x7' sign on the side of the house in a residential neighborhood would cheapen the area and seem very Motel6. I don't want to look at that sign every time I walk my dogs, the intersection is already a bit of an eyesore with the run down school on the corner.

      We have had to work with Craig on a couple of projects and we have found him to be professional, helpful and extremely diligent about adhering to the currents laws.

      I regret to hear about your situation on Green street, but we don't want that situation on our street.

    2. Precisely my point, Dog. No one wants "that situation." But there it is, approved by Code. If "the situation" is on Green, it could also be just about anywhere.

    3. Bill--That's actually not true. Allen Street is a locally designated historic district. The location on Green Street is not. The signs being proposed for 251 Allen Street require a certificate of appropriateness from the Historic Preservation Commission. That hideous thing on Green Street did not.

      Also, Craig Haigh is the code enforcement officer. His job is to enforce the code. If there is nothing in the code to prohibit that sign--and unfortunately there isn't--he can't deny them a permit for it. You should be addressing your complaints to the Common Council, who would have to amend the code to outlaw such signs. Sad to say, though, that sign on Green Street would be grandfathered in.

    4. Bill -- normally I let you bloviation go as the feeble rants of someone with no real experience dealing with property or business ownership here or likely anywhere. But enough is enough: Craigh Haigh is a dedicated public employee and volunteer who has given LITERALLY decades of his life to the betterment of this city as a fireman and our CEO. You're unhappy with the way he does his job? That's your right. Bloviate all you want about his job performance. But question his ethics and you are so far off base -- particularly in your sophomoric economic analysis of how he earns his salary -- as to require a grown-up (me) telling the child in you to behave like a grown man.

  2. Kudos to Carole and John for clarifying the information that the drama queen is upset with.
