Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Somber News

Gossips has received word that Paul Czajka has died.

Photo: Lori Van Buren|Times Union
In January 2023, Czajka, then 68, announced he would not be seeking a sixth term as Columbia County district attorney. Czajka served a total of thirty-five years in elected office in Columbia County, both as district attorney (1988-1994 and 2011-2023) and as county judge (1995-2011). 

On December 8, 2023, county notables gathered in the Ceremonial Courtroom in the Columbia County courthouse to honor Czajka on the occasion of his retirement and celebrate his years of service. The video recording of the event, by Lance Wheeler, can be viewed here.


  1. Paul was a fun and humorous man, almost always smiling. He was a dedicated public servant and a tireless advocate for crime victims, especially children. We became friends through the Columbia County Bar Association over a dozen years ago. And though we shared little politically we shared a love of jazz. Columbia County lost one of its most publicly-minded citizens and a tireless public servant. He was a good man and will be missed by his family, friends and colleagues. Rest in peace, counselor.

  2. A true servant of Justice. He meted it out when it was due, and protected the innocent when it was not. A good and honorable man. Condolences to his family and friends. He will me missed.

  3. Paul was a gentleman. He was smart and dedicated, a big man who leant his character and stature to his community, one of those precious individuals who define, who make a community demonstrably better. He enjoyed being in the thick of government -- a steady hand on whatever tiller he held. Regardless of a political party, Paul shared the twinkle in his eye with the people who shared that purpose, and, I am sure, even with those who didn't. Many people elected to public office speak of serving everyone. Paul gave you confidence that this principle of governance could be, in the right hands, is true. He was the most enviable of public servants. And he had the capacity to appreciate peoples’ stories -- one at a time¬. A few days after my wife died, Paul’s hand written condolence was at my door. May his memory be as large a blessing to his family as was his life.

  4. With Paul's passing comes great sadness, both at the loss of him as a dedicated public servant, and as a friend to so many in our community and to me personally. He had a special talent for balancing gravitas with humor. I appreciated his open door policy and was grateful every time I called or texted with something I wanted to pick his brain about and he'd make the time to meet or talk despite his constantly busy days. His dedication to justice and protecting the most vulnerable members of our community (e.g. victims of domestic abuse, children living in untenable situations, etc.) during their greatest times of need were unwavering. He had a great sense of humor, and an easy smile and laugh. When he hugged you or you shared kind words with him, you knew he meant it.

    Through the sadness, I hope we can all still smile just as he would want us to as we remember and celebrate him for all he was.

    To his dear friends and family, I send love, light, and strength.

    We will miss you, Your Honor.

  5. Anthony Kellar, who worked for Paul Czajka for decades, submitted this comment:

    I just wanted to take a minute and publicly thank DA Chris Liberati-Conant and Chief ADA Cheryl Botts. They both started working in the Columbia County DA's Office in January 2024, and they have embraced the employees both old and new and treated us with respect, dignity and generosity. Both DA Liberati-Conant, Chief ADA Botts as well as all of new employees have approached this year with understanding and kindness. Myself and other employees that stayed from the previous administration have been praised for our knowledge of the job (thank you, Paul Czajka) not undervalued because we worked for the previous administration. I want the citizens of Columbia County to know that they are in good and fair hands with DA Liberati-Conant, Chief ADA Cheryl Botts and the entire District Attorney Staff. I want DA Liberati-Conant and all of the ADAs to know that they have my respect.

    Anthony Kellar
