Thursday, September 26, 2024

Discontent and Dissension at HCSD

At Tuesday's meeting of the Hudson City School District (HCSD) Board of Education, Wayne Kinney, the president of the Hudson Teachers Association, addressed the board. What he had to say was reported this morning in the Register-Star: "Teachers union president criticizes Hudson school district, administration."  You can hear his statements for yourself here, beginning at 2:01:46.

Gossips has since learned that a petition has been started demanding the resignation of HCSD superintendent, Dr. Juliette Pennyman, who was appointed to that position in August 2023. Among the complaints made about Pennyman in the petition are these:
Opening day of the 2024-25 school year consisted of teachers and staff members being told by Dr. Pennyman how terrible they are at their jobs for three hours straight. Board of Education meetings involved teachers getting interrogated and spoken to in disgusting manners, along with condescending facial expressions by Dr. Pennyman. 
One incident involved Dr. Pennyman accusing an employee of following her simply because they arrived at their home, a heavily-populated apartment complex, at the same time as her. This manufactured paranoia is not the behavior expected or required from a person of her position, and it fuels a hostile environment depriving the district employees of respectful and fair treatment.
Dr. Pennyman has also accused teachers of intentionally keeping minority students out of AP classes, while over 50% of AP classes are minority students. 
She also went ahead and terminated several long term caucasian employees simply for being caucasian, claiming she “needed a more diverse staff.” 
The entire petition statement can be found here.


  1. Thank you Wayne and the teachers union for doing what needs to be done. The Register Star rarely reports ANYTHING that would put the district in a negative light. There are other issues that exist that were not put forth publicly but they do exist.

  2. When I clicked on the link to hear the message it sent me to the register Star. Is there another link to hear Wayne's comments?

    1. The link works. I just tested it myself. You need to click on the word "here" in the sentence "You can hear his statements for yourself here . . . ." If you click on the title of the article, it will take you to the article.

  3. It's a shame that there is so little press coverage of our $60 million a year school district. The administrative stability and academic improvement during the Suttmeier superintendency have been followed by three years of chaos, largely unreported by our local press, that has left our students (and teachers) struggling to learn (and teach). It shouldn't take a revolt by teachers to get the public's attention. But that public needs to know what is happening. --peter meyer
