Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Long, Not Winding Road

Work on Colarusso's two-lane, two-way paved road from the quarry to the river moves ahead relentlessly. The picture below was taken this morning, at the intersection of the haul road and Route 9G.


  1. I think they are also working along Route 9 where the haul road intersects that busy and much speedier state route.

  2. It looks great. This will be so helpful in decreasing some truck traffic through the city.

  3. Why are workers who are just doing their jobs saddled with the sinister word "relentlessly"?

  4. I'm still waiting for someone to explain how a gravel dump and industrial truck route is a good thing for the Hudson waterfront. It's not producing jobs for our city, as almost all the drivers are from elsewhere.

  5. Peter, what about all the diesel fumes from the trains coming through all day? Also, Industry on the waterfront has been here long before you and will most likely still be here long after you. Keep the trucks rolling!!
