Tuesday, June 20, 2023

More About the Comprehensive Plan RFP

Today, the mayor's office issued a press release about the RPF (request for proposal) for a new comprehensive plan that was issued last Friday. The press release stresses sustainability and resilience, one of ten "Key Topic Areas" identified in the RFP. It also discloses that Mayor Kamal Johnson has pledged Hudson to achieve "zero emissions and 100% renewable energy by 2040." The following is quoted from the press release:
In step with Mayor Johnson's pledge to the 1000 Cities Initiative for Carbon Freedom, the RFP notes that the City seeks to align the updated Comprehensive Plan with the Paris Agreement and include what would effectively be a "Climate Action Plan scaled to Hudson" that sets goals for carbon neutrality and related environmental metrics. Consultation with Basilica Hudson's Basilica Green program and the Pathway to Paris 1000 Cities Initiative inspired the inclusion of this component of the proposed plan.
"We're thrilled to connect 1000 Cities with the City of Hudson," said Melissa Auf der Maur, Co-Founder and Director of Basilica Hudson. "As our industrial waterfront campus undergoes a carbon neutral transformation it offers a model for revitalization and resiliency in the region. At the core of our Basilica's Green mission is to support Hudson's equitable climate planning toward the implementation of real strategies and solutions for our city, while participating in the inspiring climate action initiatives in the Hudson Valley. Hudson leadership understands that today's comprehensive plan must include climate planning."
"This marks a unique and very exciting opportunity for the City of Hudson to become a shining example and leader in climate action planning and implementation for other municipalities to follow," said Rebecca Foon, Co-Founder of Pathway to Paris.
More about Pathway to Paris and the 1000 Cities Initiative can be found here and here.


  1. Zero emissions? The 17 huge lamps in the City Hall Parking Lot never turn off. Kamal Johnson and Rob Perry are well aware of this, but they are too busy to care. Too busy trying to save the planet.

  2. This is a joke, right?? I would suggest that before any new "Comprehensive Plans" waste even more money that the city doesn't have, we first get an update on how the objectives established in the last Comprehensive Plan are being met or not met.
