Friday, January 24, 2025

Ear to the Ground

has gotten word of another candidate considering a run for Common Council President: Margaret Morris, who has represented the First Ward on the Common Council since 2022 and is currently Common Council Majority Leader. 

Morris is one of the hardest working and most effective councilmembers. She chairs the ad hoc Truck Route Committee, and it was her tenacity that brought to light the fact that the second truck route through Hudson, the one that enters the city on Route 9G and Third Street, is not a legal necessity. Morris has protested the County's purchase of 11 Warren Street for office space, questioned the Planning Board's seemingly preferential review of Mill Street Lofts, and is currently involved in the effort to get the powerlines for EV chargers to be installed in the parking lot at the Columbia County courthouse routed in a manner that does not deface a neighborhood that includes many of Hudson's finest historic houses.


  1. I'm thinking about running for mayor too as a populist ... I'll make 'Hudson Great Again' ...

    1. Do it. As far as I’m concerned the more the merrier!

  2. This is wonderful! As someone who is watching Hudson elections from the peanut gallery in Greenport, I find it impossible to decide who to root for more: Margaret or Dominic.

    Whatever the outcome (Tom's a goner even if he doesn't move), council leadership will once again be carried out with dignity and integrity!

  3. Go, Margaret! You have my full-throated support. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the city. It's time for a change, and I can't think of anyone better suited for this position!

  4. I’m loving that it’s beginning to look like we are in a renaissance of citizen engagement as well as real choice at the ballot box.

    I’ll add to the commentary that Margaret has been an excellent councilor to the first ward and the city at large. She’s hard working, inquisitive, and demonstrates an attention to detail not often seen by our elected officials. She is also very responsive in communication with her constituents. She’s also tough and is not easily bullied or intimidated.

  5. Another competent and ethical candidate without conflicts of interests.

    Margaret, do check in with Dom and others, in the months ahead re: positions and wards, so that you can lawfully coordinate and not inadvertently split votes.

    So far all the new (repeat) candidates for Council are supportive of some sort of Charter Change... except of course Tom and Kamal.

  6. Who takes Margaret's place as 1st ward alderman?

    1. I've been asking this myself, too.

      I propose Alexandria Madero. I'm aware that she has had her eyes set on becoming the 1st Ward supervisor. Seems to me that the question comes down to where her votes add more value: in the county or in the city council.

      I'd say Alex could be more valuable in the city especially since I think that Randall, purely based on what I've seen from him on the Planning Board, might be a good representative for Hudson at the Board of Supervisors. He seems to be paying attention to what is going on.

    2. Thank you, Tassilo! I seriously considered it, but due to the hours I work each week, I could not meet the time commitment the position requires and deserves. I plan on staying as active as possible over the next two years and reassess in 2027.

  7. We need more retired-from-their-career council members like Margaret who can spend hours and hours and days and days of their free time on 16 committees trying to repair practically every problem the city has.
    Theo Anthony was not one of those retired fanatics we now rely on. Soon after Theo's two-year stint on the council was over, I saw him at a bar and asked him why he didn't stick around for two more years. "I have to earn a living. I don't know how those people do it. No thank you." Theo and his wife also have a child now! Sounds a lot better than being on 16 committees that get little done.

  8. Good news, indeed. She has proven to be open, smart and flexible.
