Meetings and Events in the Week Ahead
In the past week, we experienced the first day of spring and what seemed like the first spring day. Here is what's happening this week.- On Tuesday, March 25, the Common Council ad hoc Parking Study Committee meets at 6:00 p.m. Chances are the meeting will provide more information about the rollout of the kiosks coming to Warren Street above Eighth Street and below Third Street. The meeting is a hybrid, taking place in person at City Hall and on Microsoft Teams. Click here for the link to join the meeting remotely.
- On Wednesday, March 26, the Hudson Industrial Development Agency (IDA) holds a public hearing on 75 North Seventh Street at 9:30 a.m. The application for a PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes) and other tax abatements submitted to the IDA by Galvan Initiatives Foundation can be found here. The financial review done by BJH Advisors can be found here. The hearing takes place at 1 City Centre, Suite 301. It will also be accessible on Zoom, but the link to the Zoom meeting has not been published on the city website. When the link is available, Gossips will share it.

- On Thursday, March 27, Hudson Community Development & Planning Agency (HCDPA) meets at 5:00 p.m. The meeting is a hybrid, taking place in person at City Hall and on Microsoft Teams. Click here for the link to join the meeting remotely.
- On Friday, March 28, the Historic Preservation Commission meets at 10:00 a.m. The meeting includes two public hearings: (1) on the accessory dwelling unit (ADU) proposed for the rear of 123 Union Street; and (2) on the alterations proposed for 537 Warren Street, formerly Mexican Radio. The meeting is a hybrid, taking place in person at City Hall and on Microsoft Teams. Click here for the link to join the meeting remotely.
No Pilots for Galvan. They did a bait and switch. This is a luxury project. They’ll make plenty of money on the market rate apartments. They can pay taxes like the rest of us!
ReplyDeletePeter Spear and Joe Ferris -
ReplyDelete☀️ A simple public service you could perform for all Hudsonians when you run for mayor is to point out that Galvan continues to get millions of dollars in tax breaks while current Mayor Kamal and various other "pro subsidized housing" allies live in Galvan housing without disclosing this clear conflict of interest. Let alone disclosing how much they pay and if it is the same as others not holding elected or appointed office.
Everyone should pay their fair share of taxes.
🏛️ Imagine if half of our nation's elected representatives in Congress literally lived in apartments (say on Capital Hill in D.C.) given to them at some undisclosed rate by the Koch Brothers (for the Dems) or Soros family (if you are GOP) while they live in DC… and then they repeatedly vote in favor of large tax breaks to Koch / Soros.
Imagine if Josh Riley did that… he would never make it to Albany airport in time.
It would be an outrage.
Yet it is the status quo in Hudson with Kamal and Galvan.
🤡 If Quintin or Claire were politically savvy they would marshal their For The Many and Albany Free School non-resident rent-a-crowd and make a big deal at the IDA meeting about the previous Galvan PILOT switcheroo where promises for affordable housing were made and broken.
p.s. Galvan folks… you have done so many great things for Hudson in the past. Your Winter Walk team is just fantastic. Your operations/buildings team so hard working. Please talk more about that… and thank you for investing in Hudson and helping kick-start the resurgence when few believed… but now… please pay your fair share of taxes on existing properties and new developments. You can afford it.
🎡 Joe - great website:
We sure can use more "competence" and "communication" in Hudson. Also love the specificity and gumption here:
📣 "Whether it’s over $1,000 in unpaid utility bills at the Senior Center, more than $2 million in uncollected property taxes, or the loss of 11 Warren Street to the County, Hudson needs a City Hall that knows how to govern effectively."
Excellent headshot btw, worthy of Hudson's artistic legacy... if only more artists can continue to live here with Kamal and Tom's taxes.
👨🏫 Peter - excited to read more about your ideas when you are ready:
Maybe also use Joe's photographer... she is a fan of you both.
🤥 Kamal - you need to update your website with your accomplishments from the last decade. it still says 2021... Not Albany, DC, or Spark money that happen to come Hudson's way during your tenure, your actual achievements.
- You are now in your 40s... (I am not ageist, this point is in response to Kamal's self styled "youth brand" on his website)
- originally from Westchester County... (I am not nativist, just pointing out that like many you vilify in your social media posts for gentrification, you are also from New York)
- and your household makes $160k per year from the City of Hudson...
- with barely 2000 households paying taxes...
The previous mayor before you made less than $40k and did a way better job, judging by all accounts. He also had the courage and wisdom to do a tax reassessment during his term... and did not kick the can down the road like you and Tom are currently doing.
More on that soon...
Where are your results? Would love to learn more and genuinely be persuaded by the facts of your accomplishments.