Thursday, March 20, 2025

Money for Festivals and Events

Every year, the City allocates a sum money--in recent years, it's been $30,000--to support "events and projects that encourage the promotion of Hudson as a destination for overnight and day-trip visitors." 

Photo: David McIntyre | Chronogram
The Common Council Finance Committee, which decides how the money will be divvyed up, is now accepting applications for funding. To be eligible, the event must take place between May and December 2025. The maximum award for any project is $5,000. Requests for amounts greater than this will not be considered. Applications are due by Monday, April 14, at 5:00 p.m. Applications must be submitted online, using the form found here

To see what events were funded last year, click here. Questions about the application process can be addressed to Rich Volo, chair of the Finance Committee, at


  1. They should call it funding for local arts and culture events. Nobody’s taking the train from NYC to go to any of this. It’s just an old vestige from when we had a Tourism Board, before the people in city hall realized that they actually hate tourism and gave all the money to their friends pet projects. Which begs the question: where is the Lil’ Deb’s stage trailer?????????

    1. Don’t even ask about the piano the City taxpayers purchased.

      Truly, though, this stipend existed long before the Tourism Board’s second iteration wasted so many public dollars on themselves, with an assist from Tom d.
