Thursday, January 22, 2015

Ear to the Ground

During the mayoral election in 2013, Mayor William Hallenbeck refused to debate his Democratic challenger, Victor Mendolia, choosing instead to participate in a kind of pseudo-debate: a videotape of him answering ten questions posed by Greg Mosley paired with a videotape of Mendolia answering the same ten questions. It may be just coincidence, but it appears that the mayor is doing something similar and starting early. Yesterday, Tiffany Martin Hamilton, who has declared her intention to run for mayor in November, was interviewed on WGXC by Victor Mendolia, Debora Gilbert, and Debby Mayer--Democrats all--on the show called @Issue. Gossips has learned that next Wednesday, at 10 a.m., Hallenbeck will be interviewed by Ed Fertik, "Tea Party activist and citizen journalist/writer/commentator," and Holly Tanner, Columbia County clerk, on the show called The Right Opinion.

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