Tuesday, January 13, 2015

New Year, New Committee

Last night, Gossips arrived at City Hall, according to the clock on the wall, about four minutes late for the Common Council organizational meeting and missed the whole thing. Unless the meeting started early, we can assume that Council president Don Moore did not deliver a State of the City address, as he did last year, outlining his goals for the year ahead. What did happen was the announcement of a new majority leader: Tiffany Garriga (Second Ward). Bart Delaney (Fifth Ward), the only Republican on the Common Council, will of necessity continue as the minority leader.

Moore also announced the creation of a new committee: a Diversity Task Force. The request for such a committee was made a year ago by then newly elected aldermen Garriga and Alexis Keith (Fourth Ward) "to address the barriers, policies and procedures that have prevented Hudson's workforce from reflecting the diversity of Hudson's residents." Garriga and Keith will chair the new committee made up of Moore, Nick Haddad (First Ward), Henry Haddad (Third Ward), and Abdus Miah (Second Ward).

The makeup of the standing committees remains the same.

Youth & Aging
Chair: Alexis Keith 
Bart Delaney 
Tiffany Garriga 
Ohrine Stewart 

Arts, Entertainment & Tourism
Chair: Ohrine Stewart
Henry Haddad
Alexis Keith
David Marston
Don Moore

Chair: Nick Haddad
John Friedman
Tiffany Garriga
Henry Haddad
Abdus Miah

Economic Development
Chair: Don Moore
John Friedman
Tiffany Garriga
Nick Haddad
David Marston
Ohrine Stewart

Chair: David Marston
Bart Delaney
Robert Donahue
Henry Haddad
Nick Haddad
Abdus Miah

Chair: Bart Delaney
Robert Donahue
Henry Haddad
Alexis Keith
Don Moore

Public Works
Chair: Robert Donahue
Bart Delaney
Tiffany Garriga
Nick Haddad
Abdus Miah

Chair: John Friedman
Bart Delaney
Abdus Miah
David Marston
Don Moore

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