Another Mayoral Candidate
Fred Starke |
In case you missed it, as Gossips did, Rosa Acheson reported yesterday in the Register-Star that Fred Starke has declared his intention to run for mayor: "Starke announces bid for mayor." According to the article, Starke's campaign slogan is "Making Change Happen." Starke, who is originally from Athens, across the river, and has lived in Hudson for 22 years, seems to have disdain for anyone who moved here from New York City and wants to take Hudson back to the way it once was. Starke is quoted in the Register-Star article as saying, "Now the people who built this town are living in Section 8 housing. They want change and I'm going to bring it. I don't care about the other people running because now it's my turn—I will be mayor in 2018."
OOF ...