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Thursday, February 10, 2022

About the Proposed Galvan Hotel

If you saw the front page of the Register-Star today, you might think something significant had happened regarding the Galvan proposal for the buildings at Warren and Fourth streets at the Planning Board meeting on Tuesday.

In fact, all that happened was that the Planning Board, only four members of which were present, classified the project as an Unlisted Action under SEQRA (State Environmental Quality Review Act), because it was on the list of neither Type I nor Type II actions, and declared itself lead agency in the SEQR process. Dan Kent, vice president of initiatives for Galvan, told the board that an updated submission would to presented at the March meeting of the Planning Board.


  1. The income from the hotel will go to Galvan's "social purposes", according to Dan Kent. We should all be skeptical about this given their notorious record of baiting and switching. This reeks of another unscrupulous business tactic by Galvan.

  2. Lessons from the propoganda machine: Be nice to your landlord, flatter them, and give them as much positive exposure as possible even when it is not newsworthy. Remind the masses who is in control of the city.

  3. I wonder if the Planning Board has the statutory authority to impose time limits on a project? We don't need that important location sitting idle for another 20 years. And perhaps a performance bond can be required of the applicant? If they have to put up a million buck$ up front at the risk of losing it should they fail to follow through in a timely fashion, that might provide us with some assurance that it gets done.
