Friday, February 9, 2024

Let Your Opinion Be Known

In opposition to the very bad plan being pursued by the Columbia County Board of Supervisors to buy (now a fait accompli) 11 Warren Street and use it for county offices and storage, forcing Hudson to endure several more decades of living with a 50-year-old relic of wrongheaded Urban Renewal Era planning, a group of concerned citizens has organized. 
Calling themselves the 11 Warren Street Action Group, opponents to the plan have created a petition expressing their opposition to the County's intended use of the building and encouraging appropriate redevelopment of the site that would enhance the historic streetscape, restore the link between Hudson's main commercial thoroughfare and the waterfront, provide new housing and job opportunities, and expand the City's (and the County's) tax base. 

The petition can be accessed here. Gossips urges readers to sign it.


  1. Divide it into lots and build back the block I say. There are enough photos to build back a replica of what was originally there.

  2. Petitions are fine, but if you want to be heard -- literally -- the CC Board of Supervisors meets this Wednesday at 7:00 at 401 State, and Matt Murrell should be in his chair. There is always an opportunity for public comment, and you can offer them all the earful they deserve.

  3. It may be a little too late to speak up now. The purchase is a done deal and if anyone thinks that the County would resell this property because of a very small opposition, you will most likely be extremely upset.
