Monday, February 12, 2024

More Money for the Public Square

In November, Gossips reported that Friends of the Public Square (FOPS) had been awarded a $500,000 EPF grant through the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation to finance Phase I of the rejuvenation of Seventh Street Park--new paving, new seating, new signage, new lighting, new landscaping.  

Today, Assemblymember Didi Barrett announced another $125,000 in funding for the renovation of the park, secured through a NYS State and Municipal (SAM) Grant. According to the press release issued by Barrett's office, "These funds will be used for benches, picnic tables, drinking fountains, and support for the park's Veterans Memorial." 

From left to right: Katherine Kanaga, FOPS co-chair; Assemblymember Didi Barrett; Brian Zweig, FOPS grant consultant; Dorothy Heyl, FOPS co-chair
Barrett is quoted in the press release as saying, "I'm excited to help provide the Friends of the Public Square with the funding it needs to revitalize Seventh Street Park, ensuring this space remains a center for the Hudson community. As somebody who has attended many events at this park, I recognize its importance to local families and businesses. Preserving and rejuvenating open space like this, particularly in a dense city like Hudson, is a win-win for our community."


  1. Is there any money on the way to HPD so they can find the time to do the occasional foot patrol through the park? Improvements are overdue, but kind of pointless if the regulars are allowed to drink smoke litter and do as they please at all times of day and night. Better benches won't make the park more inviting if there is still an unwelcome element allowed to thrive (and destroy the tables...). The paved paths through the park need to be completely redone, by the way.

    1. learn to live with your neighbors, as we have with you, this kind of jackboot doublespeak has no home here.

    2. JACKBOOT definition: The spirit or policy of militarism or totalitarianism. Brutal bullying.

    3. esprit de jackboot: categorizing humans as "unwelcome elements" and begging for cops to harass them on account of your surveillance.

      recalling the severe curtailment of your council grandstanding might grant you some understanding.

    4. Maybe there's a middle ground between both your ideologies

  2. Well if the past is any indication, 14 committes will be created - all bickering amonst themselves and the $ will sit unused until the grant expires. I doubt if I will see any progress in my lifetime.

    1. FOPS isn’t the Council. They might manage to do more than gum flap. Give them a chance.

  3. Well done, FOPS! Keep up the good work!!

  4. OK FOPS - tag, make it happen and good luck!
