Sunday, February 16, 2025

Meetings and Events in the Week Ahead

In a week that begins with Presidents Day and ends with the birthday of the country's first president, George Washington, everything is taking place on one day. 
  • On Tuesday, February 18, the Common Council Finance Committee meets at 5:15 p.m. The meeting is a hybrid, taking place in person at City Hall and on Microsoft Teams. Click here for the link to join the meeting remotely.
  • At 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 18, the regular monthly meeting of the Common Council takes place. Although a resolution regarding it does not yet appear on the agenda for the meeting, it is expected the Council will vote on accepting the recommendation contained in the ad hoc Truck Route Committee's final report. The meeting is a hybrid, taking place in person at City Hall and on Microsoft Teams. Click here for the link to join the meeting remotely. 
  • Also at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 18, the Hudson Housing Authority Board of Commissioners holds its monthly meeting. The meeting is a hybrid, taking place in person in the Community Room at Bliss Towers and on Zoom. Click here to join the meeting remotely.
  • And, as if not enough was happening on Tuesday, February 18, there's a Housing Fair happening at The Spark of Hudson, 502 Union Street, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. The notice of this event, which seems to have appeared only on Instagram, indicates that it is being presented by The Spark of Hudson in collaboration with the City of Hudson's Housing Department, but the purpose of the meeting is described in this way: "Learn about new housing grants and connect with local organizations offering housing resources, financial assistance, and tenant support." 
  • On Wednesday, February 19, a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals had been scheduled, but that meeting has been canceled. 
And that's it for the week.


  1. First of all thanks to Margaret Morris and her group for keeping at the Truck Route issue. If I read the presentation correctly the City of Hudson can just "remove" the truck route off 3rd and Columbia Streets? Has this always been the case? If so, I get the feeling like Hudson is Dorothy at the end of the Wizard of Oz and is being told, "You had the power all along." And if Route #1 is removed, that means Route #2 has to remain, correct? Someone on the dais isn't going to be happy about that. I predict either no recommendation is accepted or vote taken. If there is I seeing the recommendation failing at said person's hand.

    1. That's right, Wowser. We had that power all along. The expectation is that trucks now passing through Hudson on Route 1 (Third Street) will not automatically opt for Route 2 (Worth Avenue) but will decide to bypass the city altogether if they have no business here. If a resolution is presented by three councilmembers, the Council president is obliged to put it on the agenda.

    2. I think you woefully misunderstand the person you make presumptions about, Watch the informal meeting on YouTube. I’m not sure a single member will vote against the truck route recs.

    3. Henry’s comment aged like milk
