Sunday, February 9, 2025

Sidewalk News

Right now, the principal concern about sidewalks is getting the snow removed from them. A lingering concern about sidewalks for many property owners, however, is how the City's new Sidewalk Improvement District legislation will impact them financially.

The Public Works Board, the group tasked with overseeing the implementation of the law, plans to put information about the Sidewalk Improvement District in the water bills that will go out in April. In the meantime, here's a preview. An info sheet can now be found here on the City of Hudson website. (That info sheet is reproduced below. Click on the image to enlarge.) 

It appears the annual fee for most homeowners will be $100, but the City will not begin charging that fee until 2026. Volunteer firefighters and veterans will be exempt from the fee.

At last week's meeting of the Public Works Board, some decisions were made about the process involved in getting credit for sidewalk repair or replacement done in the past ten years. To get credit for past work, a property owner must submit the following evidence of work done:
  • The contractor's invoice
  • A receipt or other proof of payment
  • Photographic evidence of the repaired or replaced sidewalk
  • The date work was completed
This evidence can be submitted electronically to or in person to the Department of Public Works at City Hall. It might be wise, however, to wait until after the Public Works Board officially disseminates this information in the water bills in April to be certain that systems are in place to receive the evidence of past work.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a rip off designed with the intent to get the building owners on Warren Street, which has the best sidewalks, to provide the funds to fix the crummy sidewalks all over town. Another genius idea provided by the folks who brought us the Nightmare on Mill Street.
